Saturday, December 21, 2019


It’s that magical time of the year again, and with it all the bright lights, decorations, good friends and families.  It’s also the season of giving and what better gift could you give    yourself than keeping up with your training this holiday season.  This gift that is yours to open if you choose is so much more than a material gift.  This is a gift that will keep giving throughout your lifetime, it will keep you true to your goals and dreams for later in the year.   A gift that will keep you healthy both physically and mentally throughout the holidays.  Yes there will always be obstacles that will present themselves and yes that little man that lives between your ears will have to make a choice.  You can always make excuses for yourself, but that is just what they are an attempt to lessen the blame and justify yourself.  What choice will you make? Don’t be that person who let’s all the hard work that you have been doing since September who throws it out the window, only have to start over again in January.  

If you are traveling or can’t make the training sessions at George Mason I have several workouts below that will help you over the holidays.  These are only a guide and feel free to set intervals and change some sets.  They are designed to take 60 to 100 minutes.

Workout#1 -  A LITTLE BIT OF EVERYTHING 60-80 minutes (4400 yards)
WARM UP  500 alternating free to back ( fast feet to wall on free. Open turn on back)
                      20x50 free to back fins @50/1:00 ( off turns underwater dolphin as far as you can. Challenge yourself)
8x25 fast kick @30/35 board rest 30/. 4x100 kick with snorkels @2:00/2:00/2:15 rest 30/. 8x25 fast kick on back @30/35
MAIN SET. 4 rounds
2x100 fast free@1:15/1:20/1:30. 4x50 stroke drill/swim non free @1:15 recovery
COOL DOWN 500 done same as warm up

SET#2 Distance and Stroke 90 minutes (4300 yards)
400 Mixer/Choice (no kick)
300 IM (25 drill 50 swim)
2x200 back @3:00/3:10/3:20 (core rotation)
8x50 fly/breast with glide @1:00
500 kick build alternate easy/fast 30 seconds rest. 5x100 kick @2:10/2:20/2:30
SPRINT SET (50’s 2/3 breathing.  25’s 2 breaths)
4x75 free @1:05/1:15
8x25 free fast@35/40
4x50 free fast @40/50
8x25 fast free @30/35
20x50 free with fast set to turn underwater as far as you can to dolphins @1:00

WORKOUT #3 Long warmup 50’s and 25’s.  60- 75 minutes (4000j
600 mixer. 12x50 stroke drill/swim @1:00. 3x100 IM @1:45/2:00. 4x50 free fast @1:00
30x50 free @1:00. Every 5th one sprint @40/45
16x25 stroke non free. Same stroke 1-8. And 9-16 @40. Good breakouts 

WORKOUT #4. Short Set 60-70 minutes. (2500 yards)
500 free with fast flip to back with open turns
8x75 (25 kick fast 50 swim)@ 1:20/1:30
8x50 free@50/1:00 odds breathing 2/3. Evens 3/4
8x50 stroke non free work breakouts and fast turns @1:00 same stroke 1-4 and 5-8
8x50 free @1:00 odds breathing 1/2 evens 3/4

Think of these workouts and the ones you attend as the gifts for success in the future.  Senior prep let’s not forget about some dry-land over the break, at least 2 if not 3 a week.  A short 20 minute session while your watching a movie or listening to music would be nice.  You should continue focusing on your core exercises ( low and high planks, flutter kicks, leg lifts, sit-ups/get ups, and crunch twists) and also your leg exercises ( squats, jump squats, lunges).  Don’t forget to these in a slow controlled manner while maintaining good body position.

Have a great holiday.

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