Saturday, December 14, 2019


A Look Ahead 
Now that we are through the first part of the season with the championship meets behind us, it this time to tire our focus towards the qualifying meets.  We have talked about how important it is to start preparing for this part of the season from day 1.  As you are preparing for this part of the season it is important to take a look at the meets on the horizon and make a plan for yourself.  Below I will try to share my thoughts with you as you make your plan.

The first thing that we need to understand is that any events that you have made your qualifying times for (JO, Senior Junior Champs, NASA ) should not be swam until those meets.  Try new events.  Please be smart.

HOLIDAYS I f you are going to be away for the holidays, I will post some “Go TO WORKOUTS” for you if you can find a pool.  It is important to stay in the pool during this period or the work you have done so far will go into the trash bin.  You will end up starting over again and put yourself in a bad position for championships. I will have them up next week.


DISTANCE MEET - January 4-5. Senior prep group let’s not forget that 1000 free is requirement in the program.  There will be no mako qualifier meet so let’s get it done.  The timeline is fast and you have a specific time that you swim and so you come in warmup, swim and leave.  If you are not training over the holidays you should not enter this meet.

MAKO INVITATIONAL January 11-12. If you are swimming the IMX meet you should not be swimming in this meet.  The only reason you should be entered in this meet is if you are trying to achieve qualifying times.  Focus only on the events that you are near your cuts.  Do not overload your list with events that you are not near.  For all the events you enter there should be something specific that we are trying to accomplish.

IMX January 24-26. This is a qualifying meet.  You must have swam all the events on the program within a specific time and have also accumulated 1800 points.  If you go to the Mako /USA swimming site you can find your score and the rules for the meet.  If you meet the requirements I would like to see you enter this meet.  You must swim all the events, if you planning on not doing some of them please do not enter this meet.   I really believe that this is a great meet to build your confidence because it challenges you mentally as you move into championship season.  If you get through this meet anything is possible.

SNOW QUALIFIER February 8. This is a one day meet.  The events that you pick should be events that you are within reach of achieving.  When signing up please consider where the events fall in the schedule.  The turnaround can be quick with not a lot of time to rest.  Keeping that in mind remember  you have the presidents meet later.

PRESIDENTS CLASSIC February 14-16. This is a preliminary and finals meet.  This is also the last meet which you will be able to get qualifying times for the championship meets in March.   That being said if you achieve your cut in the preliminary session you will be scratching out of finals.  The reason being if we achieve the cut, mission accomplished and there is no need to swim the event again that day, and it will also allow a swimmer on more chance to get that cut.

I hope that this information will help you as you plan for the next two months.  Please take the time to sit down and plan out,  one what you want to accomplish, and two how we are going to get there.  If you need help I am hear just ask.

We will wrap up the two meets and go back to our regular blog this week.

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