Saturday, November 2, 2019

Write Your Own Story

Past Week

We just finished off a good week of practice as we head into our November meets.  The first meet coming up is the Marlin meet at the University of Maryland next weekend and will serve as a tune up for our first championship format meet this year at swim and rock.  

BLUE GROUP. You all are doing well and we are seeing a big improvement with those streamlines off the walls.  The underwater dolphins look great 👍 and as we have said before it’s something that needs your constant focus and hard work. The objective is to make them tighter, longer, and faster.  We spent a good amount of time working on our butterfly stroke and both Wendy and I saw  great strides being made this week.

GOLD GROUP. Our walls are improving with each practice and as we charge forward let’s move to the next level where we are more aggressive around those walls.  We don’t want to get stuck in those turns, nothing good will happen.  We worked our open turns early in the week and today I saw a great effort of being long into that wall and holding a good head position during the transition .

That set we did today was designed to be both a physical and mental challenge for you, and all of you rose to that challenge and had some gutsy swims. As you get tired in you race, and you will get tired it becomes a mental as much as a physical challenge. We discussed the Nationals slogan and how you can use it in your races.  We did that for that last 💯 and more than half of you dropped another second or two.  What do we call that, learning and making progress.

As we move through this season and I evaluate the week we just finished My thoughts go back to the letters that all of you wrote back in September with all of your goals and dreams in and out of the pool for the season.  As a young swimmer it is often hard to negotiate through all the obstacles that are thrown in front of you during a season.  During the season think of yourself as an author and you are writing this book that you hope will become a bestseller at the end of the season.  Each of you are writing your own story for the season.  You’ve already written the first chapter during that first week of practice.  What I am hoping that you start to understand is that you can’t write a book that has only a beginning and an end.  As an author you have to have some substance in those middle chapters.  As a swimmer you too have to have some substance between that first day and that championship meet at the end.  As coaches we can plan your workouts, guide you through them but then it boils down to you how you want to work during practice.  This is your book and your story that you are trying to write. You don’t want empty pages in the middle you need substance.   

How do you want your story to read?

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