Tuesday, November 19, 2019


As we get ready for our first big test of the season this weekend, Do you ever ask yourself this simple question, Have I done all I can to succeed?  A very legitimate question to ask yourself but NOT NOW.

Think about the process involved with your swimming and not what you could have done or could do.  It doesn’t matter.  The time you want to get or the cut you want to make doesn’t really matter this weekend.  The only thing that matters is the race right in front of you and how you are going to perform that race and execute the things necessary to be successful.  That’s it.

In order to do that it is vital for you to have presence of mind.  In other words let each race come to you and focus on each individual race as it presents itself to you.  Nothing else in your world matters at that moment in time.  That race is the only thing that exists and all your focus and energy is devoted to it.  You and your body deserves that and the chance to shine.  Stay in the present!

For all this to come together it is important for you to enjoy yourself, or the rest of the stuff is just gift wrap that doesn’t matter.  It’s the things once un wrap that will bring you a sense of enjoyment.  It starts by embracing your teammates and enjoying hanging out with each other.  Enjoy the music🎶 maybe sing along, or maybe get up and show off your dance moves.  No one is judging so get over yourself.  Nothing is more enjoyable than looking down the pool and seeing your teammates cheering for, yes you.  Understand that some of your races are going to be painful and hurt a little, but embrace that feeling and the pain.  Accept the fact you enjoy that feeling and now is time for that little extra push to get you over the summit, be it though a faster underwater off that last turn, a faster kick into that big finish or taking one last breath.  Enjoy the race and the feeling of moving fast through the water.

As an athlete you should always set high standards, regardless, no excuses. Always demand excellence in the way you swim.  Does that mean best times?  No that’s unrealistic if we are being honest.  It really doesn’t matter what meet it is, YOU should always take pride in yourself and the way you swim, if not than why.  Be relentless in everything you do!

 Now for all this to come together you, yes you have to be in total control of your race.  That starts from the time you walk onto the deck, through your warmup all the way to the time you step onto the block to that grand moment when your fingers hit the touchpad at the finish.  You are in control of your emotions at all times.  You do not allow outside influences to derail you from your plan.  You react to everything that you encounter with a strong confident and positive mindset.  Nothing will keep you from your destiny.

Have fun with it and CRUSH IT!

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