What I would like to ask from each of you this weekend is to think about the upcoming season and after giving it some thought, sit down and write a letter (no computer ) to yourself. Yes that’s right you are actually going to use pen/pencil and paper. Date it up top and address it to Dear Ben/Mackenzie (use your name). In this letter be yourself and include how you would like this year to go.
Let me go over a few things that you may want to include in this letter.
GOALS: Dream big. Have some realistic goals especially for early in the season to keep your confidence high, and write these goal on an index card and post it on your mirrors so you see them through the year. Include a plan for how you will reach these goal. Be specific with details. Don’t just write “ go to practice and work hard”. Showing up in just the first step, there is so much more involved for the swimmer as well as the coach. Be specific!
PRACTICE: What are you going to do during practice to help you reach these goals, and make no mistake about it “ the way you practice is the way you are going to race”. Think about the things that you do during practice that help you, but also the things that you do ( and we all do them) that sabotage your progress. Be aware of those speed bumps and how they detour your journey.
MEETS: Yes let’s not forget the racing part of our journey and be ready to dust off the cobwebs from those “tech” suits when you come calling. Have an action plan or simply put an action plan for the meet. Things you may want to include are; breakfast, meet warmup positive word affirmations, visualization techniques, race strategies for particular events. Lastly learn to deal with the stresses and anxieties you will face. Do not try to run away from them as this will create more problems. They are part of the process and understanding them will go a long way in making you a better athlete/swimmer. Don’t forget winning races is fun but don’t get so wrapped up with others that you neglect to focus on yourself and the success you have such as a best time.
TIME AWAY FROM THE POOL: Don’t forget to include things away from the pool that will help you. Also include things that you would like to read that make you a better all around person in society.
After you write this letter to yourself fold it neatly and put it in a envelope and address it to yourself ( do not seal it) and bring it in to me at practice.
After you write this letter to yourself fold it neatly and put it in a envelope and address it to yourself ( do not seal it) and bring it in to me at practice.
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