Sunday, January 20, 2019


We’ve been back in the pool now for two weeks since the holidays and are working hard towards the February qualifiers as we get ready for that final push into the Spring championship season.  This past week Mother Nature threw us one of her curve balls with last weekends snow storm closing the pools on Monday.  It was great to see so many of you making up that lost time later in the week.  The first week back we spent time on our aerobic base with some long swimming and kicking sets, followed by a lot of IM stroke drills and IM racing leading into our IMX meet this next weekend.
Tuesday we spent a lot of time on drills for all the strokes in the IM, mixing in our 25’s 50’s and 75’s.  We built that next workout off of that with 25’s fast fly, 50’s back to breast and 75’s back breast free.  On Friday we through in the broken 100 and the straight 100’s
We  talked about the swimming equation and how everything we were working on related to this equation.
Swim Time = How long it takes to swim a race.
Reaction Time = How long it takes to get off the blocks
Underwater Time = Total amount of time spent underwater
Turn Time = Total amount of time spent turning
Cycle Count = Total number of stroke cycles taken  (Cycle = 1 complete stroke)
Stroke Rate = How fast the strokes are taken
What does it all mean? (RT+UT+TT)= Transition time which is the time that you spend on, off or around the walls.  Bottom line is that if we are not working hard on this part of your race during your training sessions, your Swim Time will suffer.  (CC+SR)= surface swimming time
This past week we spent a lot of time working our underwater (UT) dolphins and instead of worrying about how many kicks your taking, we had you try to adjust to the concept of ; How far can I go and how fast in 4-5 seconds, with the whole purpose of maintaining your momentum off the wall and into your breakout.  The other area we focused on was our cycle count (CC) and trying to hold those stroke counts during our 25’s and 50’s.
It is important that you all understand what we are accomplishing during any given set and real focus on the purpose of the set and not just trying to breeze through it.
The Senior Prep group had their first Freedom Thursday this past week and the card chosen was Kitty’s. (300 pull and 20x25 backstroke@30 ) working on good underwater and maintaining the same tempo throughout the set.  We went a step further and started from both sides so that we had more room and could work on the finishes.    INCREDIBLE EFFORT FOR KITTY!
Found this in my readings; Swim Events Compared to School!
400 IM. Taking a Math test, than a Science test, then a History test, and lastly an English test.  All as fast as you can
1650 Free. The 800 math problem for homework
50 Free. 1 math problem as fast as you can
200 backstroke  Writing an 8 page essay, but upside down
400 Free Relay. You do 10 problems, I’ll do 10 problems, he’ll do 10 problems, then he’ll do the last 10 problems.
Let’s have a good week heading into the IMX meet!

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