Monday, November 13, 2017


This will be a big week for us with practice and the Swim and Rock meet at Oakmarr on Friday, Saturday,and Sunday.  Some reminders about the meet that you need to be aware of:
  • FRIDAY AND SATURDAY:  Prelims will be in the morning and finals at night for 11 and overs.  There will be one heat of 11-12 year olds, and 2 heats of 13-14 and 15  and overs.  It is important that you check to see if you make finals before leaving in the morning.  If you make finals you have 30 minutes to scratch with my approval.  If not YOU MUST COME BACK TO SWIM, IF YOU FAIL TO SHOW YOU WILL BE SCRATCHED FROM THE REST OF THE MEET.  It is also unsportsmanlike not to show and have an empty lane that another swimmer could have  swam in.
  • SUNDAY: All events are timed finals.
  • All 10 and under events are timed finals
  • Friday: 11 and overs 6:30-7:30. DISTANCE EVENTS About 11:30. Finals 5:00-5:50. You must provide your own timer and counter for the distance events.
  • Saturday: 13  and overs 6:30-7:30.  11-12 year olds 11:00-12:00.  10 and under 2:25-3:05.  Finals5:15-6:15
  • Sunday:  13 and overs 6:30-7:30.  11-12 year olds 11:40-12:40.  10 and under 3:30-4:10
Be on time for warm ups.  It’s not fair to jump in when we are half way through our warm-up.
POSITIVE CHECK IN:  Make sure you check yourselves in for events prior to warmups.  This is your responsibility!  The table should be at the deep end of the pool on the bleachers side of the pool. Don’t forget if you check in but fail to show you are scratched from your next event.
FINAL THOUGHT:  Come prepared not to swim, but to RACE! and have fun.
This past week we spent a lot of time working on what we do between the flags and the walls when we are racing.  Monday we spent time relaxing floating in the water getting more comfortable with our heads in.  We took this and worked on getting a better push off the wall with some good dolphin kicks.  In free we worked really hard on pulling with our deep arms off the walls and breathing on our 2nd or 3rd pull.
 Breaststroke we worked on stronger pull outs off every wall and this includes that 200 and 400 IM when you think your tired.  We also did a lot of work on our IM and getting in and out of those walls.  Don’t forget it’s not a turn, it’s a change of direction your doing so keep your head in line and get your hips and legs moving to the wall quickly.
Overall I was very happy with your work through the week, and now it’s time to take it to the pool and race this weekend.  Let’s get after it!
NUTRITION:  We spend a lot of time in the pool chasing our goals and as we discussed last week chasing that “GREAT RACE”, but have you ever thought about your nutrition as it relates to your swimming.  The food that you eat is just as important as what we are doing in the pool.  Think of your body as a fine tune machine like a car.  next time your in the car after a good rain or storm check out the line of cars at the car wash.  A lot of people put a lot of time, effort and money into keeping their cars looking nice, but I wonder if they put that same emphasis under the hood.  Not unlike our bodies, it is what inside that drives the engine and without the proper fuel neither machine will perform well.
One of the first things to remember is that eating well helps in your recovery.  This recovery time allows you to prepare for the next event and what you eat will aid you in that recovery and allow you to have a better race or practice.  The most important time for eating like a champion for an athlete are the 48 hours before an event.  But what some swimmers forget is that each day is important and they should strive to make this a life choice.  Another area in your diet you need to ask yourself is “Am i getting enough protein?"
The carbs are good for energy, but the protein will  help your muscles recover stronger after tearing them down from a workout.  You need to make sure each day your diet contains some protein.  Make your plate look like a rainbow with lots of colors on it.
Another area in your diet that you need to pay attention to is HYDRATION.  Swimmers do not feel themselves sweating when we are in the water, thus we do not always get enough water.  We should all have that water bottle waiting for us at the end of the pool, like a good friend, and we need to use it.  Once in a while I will check your water bottles while your in a set and I am always amazed at how little some of you drink.  Once you become dehydrated you start your body on a downward spiral, so let’s use those bottles at practice and meets
BREAKFAST:  Imagine your parents trying to get you to practice or a meet with no gas in the car, chances are things may not work out.  Remember we are treating your bodies like afine tune machine, and after a night of fasting your tank is running on empty, and if you show up at the pool chances are things won’t work out for you either.  Some suggestions are cereal (avoid anything with chocolate or frosting) and if your running late eat in the car.  Bread or toast would be great but make it whole wheat.  If time allows have an egg, avoid fried foods and start your day with a serving of fruit.  Take responsibility for your training and pack a little dish the night before to save time.
SNACKS:  Don’t forget to pack snacks the night before and what ever you do stay away from the snack bar.  Some suggestions would be cereal bars, protein shakes, yoghurt (low fat), whole wheat cereal, nuts and energy drinks (50/50 mix).
WHEN TO EAT:  Try to eat breakfast right after waking up, 3 hours later a healthy snack, 3 hours later lunch, 3 hours later another healthy snack, and 3 hours later dinner.
Continuing from last week if YOU are to have that great race it’s up to you and no-one else.  This means that this week you need to pay a little more attention to the little things, such as nutrition, sleep and getting homework done early.  Arrive at the pool this weekend knowing what your events are and have a plan on how to swim them, and then go out and race and execute it.  It starts with a good breakfast and proper warm up.  Don’t forget that short little warmup about 20 minutes before your event.  Behind the blocks visualize your race, a great dive with a super breakout.  Set a fast pace and get to that first wall and bounce off of it feeling strong and in control.  Take control of that finish and don’t wait for the wall to come to you, it ain’t moving.  Get those fingers on the wall first!
See you at the pool.  Mike

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