Tuesday, December 31, 2024


 December 31 not only brings the last day of 2024 but also the Junior Gold and Junior Blue last day of training for the year. 

You all were awesome this morning as you worked through your last training session of the year.  The little whining and push back came to an end after Coach Noah took a few minutes to talk about the mental side of your swimming (sorry parents that’s why we went over 10 minutes. After all the ball can’t stop at 2.)and as he pointed out a lot of your races especially the last one of a long meet feels the same.  

The one thing we are trying to get through to you is that this group is on the verge of something GREAT and the only thing in the way is yourself and that person who lives in your head rent free.  When he talks to you in a positive way listen.  When he starts down that negative road, STOP THE NOISE.

 All that person is doing is giving you a reason to fail, an easy out if you may.  It may feel good at the time but later you’re going to be upset for the simple reason, YOU know your BETTER THAN THAT

Now I’m going to throw Coach Noah a bone here as we all know he is a true

Commanders fan, but this will be hard as I’m a Cowboy fan.  Though I do not watch them I’m aware how they have been behind in the last minute or so and in years past they would have lost those games.  The reason for the collapse could be anything such as not thinking they could win which leads to the next which is lack of confidence or it could have simply been they didn’t care which is the worse for any athlete even swimmers.

Oh, but how a year changes things where with a change in attitude where now with every game the confidence is growing and now they believe they can win.  Bottom line is a little attitude and confidence goes a long way and just maybe to that GREAT RACE you’re looking for.

As we swim into our first workout on Thursday, come in with that confidence and knowing that we are close to GREATNESS.



Monday, December 30, 2024



At this time of year it is not uncommon to sit back and reflect on the past year, and remember all the highs and lows that have happened.  Swimmers are no different they have dreams and goals and with them comes all of those high and lows, the great days of training and competition and also the not so great days.

The days when you question yourself and might even ask, WHY?

We are not going down that usual New Year’s resolution path in this blog today.  However, there is one thing I am going to ask you to do in 2025 and that is to always CHALLENGE YOURSELF.  Join us as we look forward with renewed enthusiasm and vigor.  You spend a fair amount of time in your pursuit of excellence in the pool and along the way make a lot of sacrifices, an we as your coaches spend a lot of time plotting out a course of action. There is a process to this.  There’s the plan and the writing of the workouts, reviewing them and rewriting them to fit our needs while all the time pondering the possibilities. 


Just like you there are those times where we question ourselves, we may ask ourselves, “WHAT IF.”  We are always thinking of ways on how the structure can be improved, how we can help you both physically and mentally while you pursue excellence.  What is constant is that we keep showing because we know as do you that consistently showing up and doing the little things consistently right will increase our odds at being successful and landing where we dream of in 2025.

Those little things are being on time, listening, working through a set with the focus and determination of doing it right. Those little things that you do in practice will have “RIPPLE EFFECTS” in your races.  The question you have to ask yourself is this,  Will those ripples be good or bad?  You need to answer that question heading into 2025.

I encourage you to look at the past and learn, the present and where you are today and then to the future with equal enthusiasm as you ponder the possibilities of 2025.


Tuesday, December 24, 2024



Dear Santa 2024

Hey Santa I know you and your elves are busy tonight filling your sack and loading the sleigh for the big night.  

If it’s not to late Santa and it doesn’t cause your elf’s

to go into a panic there are a few things I would really appreciate them to pack in the sleigh for the trip.  The things I am looking for may require some special tools that I hope your elves can find laying around the workshop.

Santa, first off this sport is hard because I am always expecting a best time when I race and sometimes it's hard to understand and accept when that doesn't happen.  Although my coach and I talk and he explains that I can have a good race regardless of the time, it's still hard to accept.

So, Santa what I am asking for is to keep my positive attitude and the confidence to keep swimming forward when those tough times challenge me, as I know now they will.  There will be times this year that I will need the extra shot of motivation to hold onto my love for the sport in the bad times.  I promise I will keep training hard focusing on my streamlines, underwater's, turns and racing strategies.  

I would like you to pack the same things for my swimming group because they are my swimming buddies, my 2nd family.

Ne as thing Santa, could you also pack some awesome finishes for my races in 2025.

Thanks Santa and have a great trip tonight.


p.s. I left chocolate milk (good for recovery) with your cookies



If you can’t make our workouts here are a few that you can pick from if you can find a pool.  Our warmups are “the usual” (3x3x3) which are a 300 mixer free/back, 3x100 followed by 3x50.  There is a variety for the.   The intervals can be individually set but don’t afraid to challenge yourself.


  • 300 mixer (100 free/100 back/100 free) free no breath turns. Back challenge the underwater dolphins.
  • 3x100 @2:00 (50 kick/50 swim free to back) little things
  • 3x50 free descend to fast @50
  • 300 mixer free/back by 50’s
  • 3x100 @2:00 (25 kick/25 back)
  • 3x50 free to back @50 (hold fast tempo on back)
  • 300 mixer free back by 25’s. Long UW
  • 3x100 @1:45 free build (no breath turns)
  • 3x50 @1:00 (IMO/FREE)
PRE-SETS (technically focus here)

#1 16x25 breast @35 with fins and body dolphins (fast hand to full extension get to that streamline)

#2 20x25 free @30 fins-paddles-snorkels. 5 rounds of 4 (1st 25 Superman kick. 2nd 25 R HAND LEAD. 3rd 25 L HAND LEAD. 4th 25 fast free race on this one.)

#3 16x25 fly @30 fins add a stroke (start with one stroke finish breast.  When your stroke count gets you to the wall maintain that for the rest of the set

#4 20x25 back @30 fins (1st 25 streamline kick. 2nd 25 R ARM. 3rd 25 L ARM. 4th 25 fast tempo swim.  Pay attention to a deep pull and rotation

SET#1 IM 3 or 4 rounds

  • 25 fly @30 (get your head down before arms come around)
  • 50 back @1:00 (big UW off turn 2nd 25 faster than first)
  • 25 breast @40 (hold your stroke counts)
  • 75 free @1:30 no breath off your turns


  • 4x50 free @50 no breath off those turns
  • Rest 1:00
  • 1x200 race pace get heart rate (work that 3rd 50)
  • 4x25 @35 (3 breaths)
  • Rest 1:00
  • 1x100 fast (all out)


  • 8x25 @40 (2sets of 4) 1-3 and 5-7 drill same drill #4&8 build swim
  • 2x4x50 @1:00 stroke/free 1-3 #4 all stroke 
  • 100 stoke build work that 3rd 25
  • Rest 1:00

SET 4 DISTANCE 2 or 3 rounds

  • 4x75 @1:30  50 free+25 kick on back
  • 3x100 free build work that 3rd 25 (don’t wait) @1:30
  • Rest 1:00

Sunday, December 22, 2024



The holidays always presents a challenge for our swimmers, their parents and families, but also the coaches.  We have spent the last 4 months training working on techniques, and getting back into “ championship season”.  We are coming off of three championship meet where you all swam out of your minds with tons of personal bests.  This is not the time that you want to sit back on your laurels and lose your touch with the pool.

This is the time where your training and routines are interrupted and your consistency will be challenged with travel, social gatherings and families in and out of own.  For sure it’s a time to relax (a bit) and reconnect both physically and mentally.  It’s a challenge and it can become a struggle in your heads because you definitely don’t want to lose ground during the holidays.  

Mentally it's better to have a good mindset going into the next two weeks so your not feeling beat up.  It's a good time to bring a positive element with you to your training.  Training hard is only half of the process, the other half is training there right way.  Pick one or two things that you really want to improve in your swimming and make a commitment for the next two weeks and really focus on them during your training.

The holidays are also a time were you can get run down and get sick so stay HYDRATED,  get your proper amount of rest and wash those hands often.  You definitely can't keeping making strides forward if your sick.

Don't forget your GOALS!  This is all part of the training process that will help fuel your success in 2025.

We have moved are practices to late mornings so look at the schedule below and make a plan.  As you can see we have included days away from the pool so be smart when planning

MONDAY 12/23- GOLD /BLUE @11-12:15. 
TUESDAY 12/24- GOLD @9:30-11
SATURDAY 12/28 GOLD /BLUE @9-10:30
TUESDAY 12/31 GOLD /BLUE @9:30-11
THURSDAY 1/2 GOLD @9:30-11
SATURDAY 1/4 GOLD /BLUE @9-10:30

For those of you who might be traveling I will;l post several workouts that you can pick from if you can find a pool.


 Have you ever thought that the water is too cold to train or race in.  Do you know why it always feel cold or a little uncomfortable at fir...