Monday, December 30, 2024



At this time of year it is not uncommon to sit back and reflect on the past year, and remember all the highs and lows that have happened.  Swimmers are no different they have dreams and goals and with them comes all of those high and lows, the great days of training and competition and also the not so great days.

The days when you question yourself and might even ask, WHY?

We are not going down that usual New Year’s resolution path in this blog today.  However, there is one thing I am going to ask you to do in 2025 and that is to always CHALLENGE YOURSELF.  Join us as we look forward with renewed enthusiasm and vigor.  You spend a fair amount of time in your pursuit of excellence in the pool and along the way make a lot of sacrifices, an we as your coaches spend a lot of time plotting out a course of action. There is a process to this.  There’s the plan and the writing of the workouts, reviewing them and rewriting them to fit our needs while all the time pondering the possibilities. 


Just like you there are those times where we question ourselves, we may ask ourselves, “WHAT IF.”  We are always thinking of ways on how the structure can be improved, how we can help you both physically and mentally while you pursue excellence.  What is constant is that we keep showing because we know as do you that consistently showing up and doing the little things consistently right will increase our odds at being successful and landing where we dream of in 2025.

Those little things are being on time, listening, working through a set with the focus and determination of doing it right. Those little things that you do in practice will have “RIPPLE EFFECTS” in your races.  The question you have to ask yourself is this,  Will those ripples be good or bad?  You need to answer that question heading into 2025.

I encourage you to look at the past and learn, the present and where you are today and then to the future with equal enthusiasm as you ponder the possibilities of 2025.


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