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80 years ago today shortly after midnight the invasion of Normandy began with airborne troops dropping from the sky to capture 2 bridges for the troops who were to land later in the morning

Those that took part I that invasion on D-Day sacrifice so much for you to have the freedoms that are afforded to you today and at times it’s easy to forget history and to take those freedoms for granted.

Those who put on that uniform do so not only to protect our country but they also do it to pave a better road for those who follow in the hopes that they won’t have to fight.   

What does this have to do with you and swimming?  How can you give back and make it easier for your community?  This world has takers and givers, which one are you.  It’s easy to always take from your swim team, always asking what they can do for you.

For the next 7 weeks practice giving a little back to your summer teams.  First off embrace the newbie’s, the munchkins on your team.  Help them understand the expectations and set the standards by example.  Take them aside and give them a word of encouragement or a tip such as a turn or a finish.  These young swimmers look up to you and just by you taking a second to speak to them will have a tremendous affect on them.  Cheer for all the swimmers in the pool, meet the little ones at the end of their races and walk them back to the team area.  Talk to a teammate who has just struggled in a race.  Listening to them goes a long way in how they will rebound.

Above all, be a leader and remember what we talked about and how some of the strongest leaders are the quiet ones.  Sometimes I believe some swimmers think to be a good leader you have to be the loudest, the one who loses your voice.  I believe it’s the one who goes around, notices things and always giving words of encouragement to teammates.

Be a giver this summer- - - - not a taker.


USUAL WARMUP 300 done as. 
100 mixer free/back by 25
100 (50 kick/50 free to back)
4x25 IMO (for fly go until you struggle finish free)

4x50 free @1:10 
Rest 1:00
3x50 free @1:05
Rest 1:00
2x50 free @1:00
Rest 1:00
1x50 free race from a dive

Build each 50 in each round with the last one being at race pace

We finished up with this set
4 rounds with fins
4x12.5 fast fly finish fast free 1 breath
1x50 social kick
2 rounds of 
1x25 fly
1x50 back to breast
1x25 race free

Have fun racing this weekend



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