Friday, March 22, 2024



"The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today."


We will not be having practice next week during spring break.  Wherever spring break finds you next week we hope you have safe travels, enjoy your break with family and friends and take this time to recharge and come back ready to head into summer season with a great attitude.  Enjoy your spring break!

For those of you swimming in St.Pete we will be holding practice next week and it is important that everyone attends so that we are ready to RACE in the meet.  If you are traveling during the break it is important that you find a pool and jump in and do some swimming at least 3 times during the week.  Try to avoid being out of the pool for more than 2 consecutive days.  I will post a few workouts here that you can refer to to help.


No we are not taking about the olympics, or necessary the "National Team".  We are talking about being "great" at your level right here, right now, in other words TODAY.

First off GREAT swimmers have goals at every level and they do more than speak them, they write them down where they are visible and can be seen.  They then go out and work towards them consistently.

GREAT swimmers know that there will be times during practice where it will hurt and become uncomfortable and aty the same time they will understand that it's at that moment where they need to work harder and not pull away if there are to reach their goals.

GREAT swimmers know that having a good practice is important but becoming uncomfortable will help you to finish off those races at the end because you've been there already.

GREAT swimmers know the difference between pain, injury and being uncomfortable.  Pushing through those painful and uncomfortable times makes you mentally tough and will allow you to handle anything that is thrown your way.

GREAT swimmers know how to trust.  They know there is a plan, and they accept that plan and go out and execute the plan.

GREAT swimmers put in that extra effort.  They excuse a perfect streamline or turn when they don't wasn't to.  They go hard for the entire set when others are falling.  They root their lane mates on when they do fail.

GREAT swimmers learn from their mistakes.  They don't keep making them.  Mistakes are only mistakes if you keep repeating them.

GREAT swimmers focus on what they can control.  They don't worry about the competition.  They focus on their race and go out and execute the plan.

GREAT swimmers do not wait.  They take advantage of every opportunity that comes their way.  They do not plan for "someday", it's always today.

GREAT swimmers will always get back up no matter what the result is.




Did you know that you can take the IM and do it many different ways.  Here is the way we did it coming off a good week of racing.  The focus was great ready positions and UW's and holding a good stroke.  Each round was done a little faster with a short rest and hydration break between each rounds.  Intervals were based on each groups.  We executed 4 rounds.

  • 4x25 FLY
  • 3x25 BACK
  • 2x25 BREAST
  • 1x25 FREE (Prep no breath / Gold 1 breath )
  • 1x100 IM with good transitions 

rest 1:00 before moving to next round

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