Thursday, February 1, 2024


"If you're scared to lose rather than excited to win, then that's the wrong way to approach a race."

That one quote says a lot about what we as coaches observe while watching swimmers walk around the deck during a swim meet.  I venture to guess that the elephant in the room that most scares you is that final result that appears on the scoreboard be it the place, the time or both.  In your fantasy world you may think you can control that board but in reality all you can do is believe in yourself and the work you have put in and just race.  That’s how you control that board.  Put the pen to the paper and write your story.  

We've talked about controllable and uncontrollable in previous sessions and now I want to put this question out there, Can you control the uncontrollable?  To an extent I would says but it takes practice just like anything else.  Swimming like life moves fast.  Situations happen, things go wrong and your ability to manage those situations will determine what happens next.

All athletes are rarely presented with a perfect set of circumstances and swimming is no different.  One thing that always happens in swimming is the dreaded warmup where it is crowded with a small time frame.  Instead of getting all worked up let's find a way to maximize what you have.  The same could be said for practices where you don't get to write the workout but what you do get to do is swim the workout so, let's try to find a way to maximize what you can get out of the practice and come out as a better version of yourself on the other side.

In summary when things don't work out like you wanted always go back to these three things;

WORK ETHIC-- Make being good a habit.  This means doing the things in practice the right way which includes streamlines, turns, pull outs, pacing, kick sets, finishes.  You need to always strive to get better in these areas all the time not just when you feel like it.  Good Habits = Good Races.

ATTITUDE---Don't create negative thoughts in your head.  Don't make excuses.  Don't play the blame game.  BE COACHABLE.

FOCUS--- "WIN" focus on watts in front of you.  One thing at a time.


25 fly from a start--find that opening speed off your start

50 back from a push.  work on building off that wall to find that fast tempo on the 2nd 25.

25 breast from a push.  strong pullout and work good body (head position) work on driving shoulders up and forward on extension.

50 free from a push. no breath out no breath in.  finish with good speed no excuses

We did 4 rounds of this set at high intensity throughout.


EAT PROTEIN--swimmers need protein.  Not only does it help build muscle but it also aids in repair of muscles after workouts..

STAYING HYDRATED--- so many of your uncomfortable feelings during your workouts could be avoided  by drinking water before during and after consistently.

Begin your workout well hydrated.  Drink 2 glasses about two hours before workout.  drink another glasses of water 15 minutes before.

During practice take sips b between repeats.  Your water bottle should be empty as you walk off the deck.

Prevent yourself from getting thirsty because once you are thirsty it becomes a fight to catch up.

LISTEN TO YOUR BODY--everyones body is different so listen


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