Sunday, September 24, 2023



Greatness is built on these words, "I can try".

We hope that this issue finds you all well as we head into our third week of workouts and our first competition this coming weekend.  Remember that the season is long and the road will be filled with obstacles and bumps along the way.  A lot of how you do in March and April will depend on how you handle those obstacles and bumps as we wind through the season.

There are no shortcuts through this process although swimmers sometimes will look for those shortcuts or an easier way to do something.  Even today at our race day practice at St. James we were going race pace 50’s relay style off the blocks and we had  a couple of swimmers who were not putting that 100% effort into them.  Sure I know you were tired but what are you going to do at the end of a race or a long day of swimming when you are tired?  You just going to pull back and throw yourself a pity party.  There is always a way to get through those obstacles at practice.  Challenge yourself, find a way, enjoy the process and “WIN”.  ((You know what that stands for.


STREAMLINES--"LOCK IT DOWN"   Lock your thumbs.  Squeeze your nears.  Look down.  Without this you can never expect that great start or great turn, so "LOCKIT DOWN" off every wall.


Some suggestions for this weekend.  Is you do nothing else to prepare at least do this one thing.  Write down each event you’re doing and write one thing for each event you want to accomplish.  BE SPECIFIC.  Don’t just put a time and if you do be specific on how you will get that time.

Remember to warm down after your race if lanes are available and most importantly warm down before you leave the building.  Senior prep at least a 400 and Junior Gold 200-300.  If you don’t your one of the ones taking the easy way out.

Make sure that you see a coach after your race (after warming down).  Remember it's meant to provide one or two positive things to take back to practice to improve on so we are better next time out.


  • pack your bags the night before
  • pack an extra suit/goggles/cap
  • pack a sweatshirt to stay warm
  • pack small snack and water
  • get extra rest
  • have a plan with specific goals.  focus on detail more than times early in season
  • warmup/swim downs
  • be open to constructive criticism
  • OWN YOUR SWIMMING/ no excuses/ no tears/ 

After your race go directly to a coach.  Do not pass GO, do not collect $200.00  talk about your race- the good, the bad, the ugly and the good.  We are there to help you for that next race;.


8 rounds with fins 

  • 50@50 UW fly kick--fly sprint x25
  • 50 @50 back fast tempo--fly sprint x25
  • 50 @50 UW fly kick--breast with dolphin or free kick x25
  • 50@50 sprint free--UW fly kick x25


Protein shakes.  Are they good for you? simple answer is yes as they will provide a fresh supply of PROTEIN to repair and rebuild your muscles.  Drinking a protein shake is most effective after workout as it will promote muscle growth and recovery after exercise.  So instead of reaching for your phone try reaching for that protein shake first.  Shake it up a bit!

Do a good job in school this week, get your homework done in a time fashion, and let's have a good week with workouts and don't forget to say thank you to nom and dad.

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  So, you've had perfect attendance and worked hard at practice and now it's time cash in and race.  You step up on to the blocks, r...