Sunday, September 24, 2023



Greatness is built on these words, "I can try".

We hope that this issue finds you all well as we head into our third week of workouts and our first competition this coming weekend.  Remember that the season is long and the road will be filled with obstacles and bumps along the way.  A lot of how you do in March and April will depend on how you handle those obstacles and bumps as we wind through the season.

There are no shortcuts through this process although swimmers sometimes will look for those shortcuts or an easier way to do something.  Even today at our race day practice at St. James we were going race pace 50’s relay style off the blocks and we had  a couple of swimmers who were not putting that 100% effort into them.  Sure I know you were tired but what are you going to do at the end of a race or a long day of swimming when you are tired?  You just going to pull back and throw yourself a pity party.  There is always a way to get through those obstacles at practice.  Challenge yourself, find a way, enjoy the process and “WIN”.  ((You know what that stands for.


STREAMLINES--"LOCK IT DOWN"   Lock your thumbs.  Squeeze your nears.  Look down.  Without this you can never expect that great start or great turn, so "LOCKIT DOWN" off every wall.


Some suggestions for this weekend.  Is you do nothing else to prepare at least do this one thing.  Write down each event you’re doing and write one thing for each event you want to accomplish.  BE SPECIFIC.  Don’t just put a time and if you do be specific on how you will get that time.

Remember to warm down after your race if lanes are available and most importantly warm down before you leave the building.  Senior prep at least a 400 and Junior Gold 200-300.  If you don’t your one of the ones taking the easy way out.

Make sure that you see a coach after your race (after warming down).  Remember it's meant to provide one or two positive things to take back to practice to improve on so we are better next time out.


  • pack your bags the night before
  • pack an extra suit/goggles/cap
  • pack a sweatshirt to stay warm
  • pack small snack and water
  • get extra rest
  • have a plan with specific goals.  focus on detail more than times early in season
  • warmup/swim downs
  • be open to constructive criticism
  • OWN YOUR SWIMMING/ no excuses/ no tears/ 

After your race go directly to a coach.  Do not pass GO, do not collect $200.00  talk about your race- the good, the bad, the ugly and the good.  We are there to help you for that next race;.


8 rounds with fins 

  • 50@50 UW fly kick--fly sprint x25
  • 50 @50 back fast tempo--fly sprint x25
  • 50 @50 UW fly kick--breast with dolphin or free kick x25
  • 50@50 sprint free--UW fly kick x25


Protein shakes.  Are they good for you? simple answer is yes as they will provide a fresh supply of PROTEIN to repair and rebuild your muscles.  Drinking a protein shake is most effective after workout as it will promote muscle growth and recovery after exercise.  So instead of reaching for your phone try reaching for that protein shake first.  Shake it up a bit!

Do a good job in school this week, get your homework done in a time fashion, and let's have a good week with workouts and don't forget to say thank you to nom and dad.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Westward passage


So I’ve made it this far riding south with the Rockies off to my right just need to find the correct route to go up and over, where is Coach Heather and her GPS not that I would listen to her.  

Crossed over into Canada from North Dakota and went west in Calgary and turned left south to Billings Montana 

This will be our road west. Sun road in glacier national park.  On another note will be ending in San Diego sometime late week.  Hoping to be back by Friday practice but because of the heat we are riding less miles with more breaks.  Will definitely be there at st James Saturday morning barring any catastrophe.

Make sure for you prep kids you get a good day of rest tomorrow and a good night sleep.  Get your homework done.  That first day will set the tone for the entire year.  The gold and blue groups let’s get some rest, get your homework 📚 done and set the tone for a successful season on day 1.

Remember our motto “WIN”

Wednesday, September 6, 2023



With summer now officially over and with most summer pools shutting their doors it’s time for us to really switch our focus and get ready for our season.

Always a bittersweet moment as I hate to see these outdoor pools closed as I personally will miss seeing our great staff and all of the kids on a daily basis but it’s time as it gets harder to staff these pools especially if you have 2 front desk and snack bar.  Tuesday will be spent putting furniture away but no covers as I hope to swim outdoors until October.

As you all start your 3rd week of school now is the time to make sure we all have established good routines like getting our proper amount of rest, setting good nutritional habits, drinking lots of water and keeping up with our school work.  Why is this important?  Next week you are going to throw swimming into your routine so let’s make good choices so we don’t get behind.   Don’t forget “WIN”.


Our first meet is just around the corners so let’s set up your plans now.  As you sign up you should have your list of events that you want to get done and a target date as when to do them.

Here are my thoughts as to what to swim which you may agree with or not but I will give them to you anyway.  First off hydrate before you arrive and during the meet.  12 and under’s pick one 50 and then a couple of 100’s for the first day. Second day same thing but throw in a 200 preferably free or back since we haven’t been in that long.  Whatever you do do something that scares you which will allow you to become comfortable while being uncomfortable.  But what ever you do believe me on the hydration. I believe entries are due on September 15 and when I get back we will have time to adjust entries.

Saturday, September 2, 2023



Have you ever thought about how everything that you do in practice has a ripple effect on your races in competition?  This ripple effect has a direct relationship on all of your competitions starting with the first day of practice.  Are you ready to commit and take your swimming to a new level beginning on that first day of practice.

As you begin to think about the start of our season put some thought into the skill set that is holding you back and creating that ripple effect.  It a could something as simple as a streamline off a start or a turn.  What about your breakouts off the walls?   Is the momentum into and out of your turns holding you back? how is your finishing kick Ito the wall?

"LEAVE NO STONE UNTURNED THIS SEASON".  As I said last Saturday everything that you do from that first day of practice will have a direct impact on all your races throughout this season.  I know I';m getting ahead of myself but it happens every year, swimmers wait until the February qualifier meets to start thinking about events and championship season and I always think to myself it's too late now.  Don't make that mistake.  Leave no stone unturned each day as you walk onto the pool deck.  

Know your season plan.  Know the ripples that you need to work on every day to improve.  

We talked some last week about how you should be thinking about setting some goals for the upcoming season and we will sit down the first two weeks of the season and talk about them.

Use this chart on the left as you start thinking about your goals.  Have some big goals but at the same time set some smaller ones that you can hit as you work through the season.  This will accomplish a couple of things, first they keep you on track for that big goal and at the same time they will help you mentally because you will see you can do this,

Goals can always be adjusted as we work through the season.

Aim high and don’t forget to WIN


It may be hard this week but see if you can get in a pool once or twice. 
Here are a couple of workouts.

WARM UP (600)
3x100 @2:00 or 10 seconds rest) (50 free/50 back)
4x50 @1:00 (25 breast with dolphin kick 25 build free)
4x25 IM KICK @40 (fly hold board at end with face in water. Back hold board on tummy Breast same as fly free hold board stretched out)

20 x25 @30/40 (1-4 breast with free kick fast hands #5 fast free 4xthrough no rest between rounds

MAIN SET (some longer swims here) 900
9x100 with 20 seconds rest between each. #1=70% #2 =80% #3 = 90% get HR REST 1:00  repeat 
Goes like this first one 25 major race 75 free. Second one 50 major race 50 free third one 100 free

8x10 meter in and out (1 breathing to turn no breathing out. Focus on fast feet to wall swim easy)

WARM UP (600)
3x100 @2:00 (#1 free #2 back #3 free)

PRE SET (600)
4 rounds
4x25 kick @40 position 11 each 25 faster snorkels 
1x50 free @1:00 

MAIN SET  (1200)
2x100 free second one faster than first
Rest 30

Swim down easy 50

I will be missing the first few days of practice as I will be taking a road trip beginning on Wednesday.  On this trip I have chosen a motorcycle so there will be no room for Coach Heather as I head out for a cross country trip to Oregon and down the pacific coast to LA.  I will be off the grid for this trip so I will try and do an update on Tuesday before I head ou to discuss that first meet.


 Have you ever thought that the water is too cold to train or race in.  Do you know why it always feel cold or a little uncomfortable at fir...