Wednesday, January 11, 2023



We will be attending 2 meets this weekend.  Friday and Saturday will be the annual Mako Polar Plunge meet that will take place at the St.James pool.

Saturday 13 and over warm up time 7:30-7:55
               10 and under 10:10-10:30
               11-12. 1:50-2:10

Sunday  11 and 12.  8:30-8:50
              10 and under 10:45-11:05
              13 and over 1:25-1:45

Please be on time for warm up.  When you are late you are disruptive to your teammates.  

POSITIVE CHECK IN -- This is required for the 500 free, 400 IM and all the 200's.  Take care of this before you get in for warmup.  This is your responsibility not the coachers.  Take ownership.

Senior Prep, Junior Gold and Junior Blue swimmers please see a coach after your swims for feed back as I will be in NC attending that meet.   Pick something we have been working on during practice and try to focus on that area during your races.  We have been working our streamlines and UWK off parts and all walls and I expect to hear great things about your races in that area.

JUMP START MEET-- Greensboro Aquatic Center NC

As you all know this is a prelim/final meet set up so pay attention.  The meet will have relays and they will take place at the start of finals on Saturday and Sunday.   Monday morning will be timed finals.

FRIDAY. warm up 4:00-4:45 pm (400 IM and 1000 free swim fast to slow)
SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY.  12 and under warmup 7:30-8:05 am
                                                            13 and over warmup 8:05-8:45 am
SATURDAY AND SUNDAY FINALS-- warmup 4:30-5:15 pm

the 12 and under will be swimming in the 10 lane pool near the scoreboard and the 13 and overs will race in the 8 lane pool near the dive well.

SELF CONFIDENCE Flip that switch

Let's go into this weekend at both meets with our self-confidence high.  It's not enough to just show up on race day hoping and wishing for some big swims.  Take each opportunity to race and step up onto those blocks and leave no doubt.  Have that confidence in all your hard work and just let it go.  Have "no fear."  Instead of thoughts like I'm tired, this will hurt, or what if I get a bad time, lets replace it with a positive mindset.  Too much of your time and energy goes into what might go wrong instead of visualizing about how things will go.  In other words visualize your race the way you see it unfolding and going your way.

Create realistic goals for this weekend and then set out to check each one off and record them in your journals.  Be sure they are attainable because when they are and you can check them off,  it builds competency which builds confidence which will allow you to make new and harder goals as we continue on this journal.

I won't say "good luck" because you don't need it.  There is no luck involved in your race, just have fun, be who you are and everything will fall into place.

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