Thursday, December 21, 2023



Today with our prep group was just one long swim which included the warm up and warm down.

75x75 @1:25 on the GREEN MONSTER.

This is not a “garbage yardage” set.  Every stroke is an opportunity to correct something.  WIN this set.  This is not race pace it’s technique pace.

It’s BORING. There I said it but stay focused and don’t check out.

With every stroke, every lap you take is helping you build for a better result down the road.

This set is designed for you to dial in on your;

  • Streamlines 
  • Underwater’s 
  • The catch on entry
  • The pull
  • The turn

Basically you are trying to make it second nature so you can dial it up at that next important meet.  Any of you watch the movie COOL RUNNING.  Remember the scene where they are pushing the sled and they start repeating “ feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme”, once you feel that you feel like you can go on forever.


  • Just an open swim.  It’s okay to touch and go at low intensity.
  • Back off a little if you feel your stroke gettin sloppy. That does not mean skip a 75.
  • Add some speed from time to time as you work through the set.
  • Hydrate between repeats but do not skip a 75 to get water.  Hydrate a bit every couple of repeats.

This set is designed to improve your habits and yes it could become boring and monotonous but if you approach it with a clear mind and really focus on the water around you and how it feels moving through it you will come out the other side as a better version of yourself as a swimmer.

Have a great day.  Be productive. WIN

Tuesday, December 19, 2023


 For those of you traveling during the holidays or those of you in private schools this week, we are missing you.  Here are some workouts if you want to get wet which might be a good idea.  It's easy to think of this time as your winter break but don't sabotage all the work you have done up to now.  We have great things coming in the next few months.

Here we GO,  change intervals if needed.

PREP warmups 

  • Standard warmup 4x4x4
  • 400 mixer (free/back by 50)
  • 4x50 kick @1:00IMO/FREE
  • 4x100 free @1:30

kick set

3 rounds

  • 3x25 kick on back  @40
  • 2x75 @1`:20 Max effort  (25 kick/25 swim/25 kick)

IM set

6 rounds

  • 25 fly get your air @30
  • 50 back to breast @50
  • 25 free AOS @1:00
  • hydrate check HR



  • 100 MAXIMUM EFFORT @1:30 AOS
2X50 FAST AOS @45
  • REST 1:00N GET HR drink


GOLD warmups 3x3x3

  • 300 mixer (free/back by 50's)
  • 3x50 kick @1:10 IMO/FREE
  • 3x100 free @1:45
IM set
4 rounds
  • 4x50 IMO/free kick @1:15
  • 4x25 IMO swim @40

speed play set with fins
2 rounds
  • 2x25 free fast AOS @30
  • 1x50 smooth back @1:00
  • 2x75 free fast build to na sprint @1:20
  • 100 smooth back stroke @2:15


Wednesday gold practice
300 swim mixer (150 free/150 back)
3x50 kick IMO/free @1:10
3x100 back @2:00 pay attention to your walls

PRE SET with your fins
4 rounds
3x25 back kick @40
2x75 @1:30 (25 back kick /25 fast free swim/25 back kick)
8 minute kick (00-40 choice smooth. 40-00 fast free)

75 fly back breast @1:30
3x25 fly breast with free kick last 25 fast free
2 rounds 
  4x50 @1:00 free
3x25 choice no free @50
3x25 fast free @40

Have a good day. Be productive 

Sunday, November 26, 2023



"If you don't practice you don't deserve to win."

So you come to practice on a consistent basis hardly ever missing but yet you are always missing out on

that one great swim you've been searching for.  The hard question that you need to ask yourself is this; Do I practice with with a determination to improve or do I just show up swim with little focus on what you are doing or why?  If that's the way you practice you will end up like the dog just swimming never able to capture the one big swim your searching for.  Like you after the race you will think your tired but frustrated that you came up short again.

Practice is the Foundation for all of your swimming successes now and in the future and it all goes back to our theme for the season. "WIN". (What's Important Now").  Simply said Focus on what we are doing in practice at the moment.

It's about how you approach practice and what and how you do in the water during that time that will put you in a position to be successful in chasing your dreams in this sport.  For you to be the best swimmer that you can be, you must be serious about your practice in every area that impacts your races and this includes physical, technical, tactical (race strategy) and mental.

We will discuss aspects of practice throughout this week as we are ending our first phase of our season so that you can make changes after the next two weeks.


There is one big difference between practice and competitions: competition matters. How well you perform in practice has no value beyond that day except for the fact that it builds a foundation for the next day and the next day until your foundation is so strong that it won't crumble.

The fact that competition matters means that it brings all that baggage with it such as, expectations, only focusing on results, comparing yourself to everyone else in the pool and fear of failure.  Guess what last time I checked you are the only one in that lane and a Good Foundation should rid yourself of any fears.

What ever you visualize yourself doing in competitions must first be accomplished in practice as you build that foundation.  If you want to perform technically and tactically well in competitions you need to be able to do it in practice first.  The purpose is to develop good technical stroke, turns, and race strategies that you can fall back on in practice.  But the problem is that swimmers often practice bad skills and habits in practice and even if you do not do it intentionally, it is what you become good at and that's what will come out in competition.

Whether you practice good or bad skills, habits that you have developed will have effect on your mental preparation.  Here is an example that drives me completely bonkers.  Swimmers invest large sums of money in tech suits but yet they don't invest in the biggest thing that will help them that lies between their ears:  MENTAL PREPARATION.  Here is an example; you arrive to a swim meet and spend anywhere from 30- 45 minutes warming up and then you stand around with nothing on as your muscles start getting colder and colder and then you expect them to answer your the call when you race.  

Let's really focus on the things that will help us going into the next 2 meets and beyond.

I will be at the meet on Friday night and will be at practice Saturday 9-10:30 and then I will be headed out to South Carolina as my daughter will be giving birth to her little girl.  I will be back Sometime Thursday and will be at the meet for our 500 swimmers that evening.

SET OF THE WEEK: leg set So you think you have nice legs let's see!

  • 3x25 kick fast free @25
  • 1x25 kick smooth steady choice no free recovery @45
  • 1x50 kick fast free "keep them churning" for the whole 50 @55
  • 1x50 kick choice recovery @1:25 get ready to go
  • 1x100 kick free fast "no easy no building just old fashion fast for time"

Intervals are for prep group and changed for gold and blue group


As we are heading into our last 2 meets in 2023 don't fall apart with your holiday eating.   Don't compromise all your training and sacrifices that you have made up to this point.  The biggest mistake that I have seen athletes make at this time of the year is they try something different from their norm and it can throw off digestion, energy levels, and performances.  There is a lot of sugar out there so be sure you don't jump on the "sugar roller coaster" where your up one moment and than the next your crashing down and your performance suffers as a result.  That cookie can wait for 2 more weeks.  Are you staying hydrated throughout the day, remember water fends off a lot of problems that come up such as headaches, cramps and just asa overall lethargic feeling.


  • 1 apple sliced
  • 1 frozen banana 
  • 1.5 cups almond milk
  • 1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 2 dates pitted
  • 2 tablespoons pecans or walnuts (optional)
  • dash of cinnamon (my favorite)
  • dash of nutmeg (another favorite)

Place in a blender and get ready for a treat


Wednesday, November 22, 2023


“Courage doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid.  Courage means you don’t let fear stop you.”  Bethany Hamilton

Mari and I would like to thank everyone for your kind words and thoughts over the last few weeks, it has meant a lot.  Courtney and Lauren (her twin) would also like to express their appreciation for all your thoughts and kind words over the last few weeks.  It's funny as I sit here at the Swim and Rock and post this that I can't help but think how a few years ago they would be swimming and how this was their favorite meet  of the year.  I would also like to thank the Mako coaches who filled in during my absence, I know the swimmers were in good hands and it is evident with the way they are swimming this weekend.
Thank you again.

SWIM and ROCK wrap up

We had a awesome weekend of racing with many Mako swimmers posting best times throughout the weekend.  We had large number of swimmers returning Friday and Saturday night for a second swim during the finals.  The music was loud (just ask Eric and Peter) and the playlists were good although if I don't hear YMCA for a year life will be good.

We did a good job at exciting our races and I believe each of you learned something about yourselves.

For our groups just some things that stood out;
  • CONFIDENCE. the meet sheet says you belong in that heat and lane.  You own it.  Step up on the block with the confidence of a Champion.
  • TURNS  we need to have more confidence around the walls.  Be aggressive. Fast in Fast out.  walls are not a rest stop along the way.
  • FREE. the race was awesome but we need to do a better job with our turns especially pulling with deep arm (the bone near the bottom of pool) and not breathing till our second pull.
  • BACK. better job on our tempo and rotation on the catch.      
  • BREAST. our pull is getting better.  better job of keeping elbows up and in front of ourselves. Extension
  • FLY not bad. maybe more work on our breathing pattern and keeping our hips up. 2 kicks per stroke
  • STREAMLINES. awesome job they keep improving each time out
  • UWK. some of us have improved tremendously in this area. others bare still a work ion progress.  they have veto be fast and hard to maintain your speed into the breakout.  if we keep improving in this area we can greatly reduce the distance that we need to swim in our races.  this will  save tremendous energy and is much more efficient.  This will also give you an advantage over swimmers of equal talent who refuse to get better ion this area. there Arte a lot of them out there.

  • SET OF THE WEEK: QUARTER SET as we prepared to race

The object and focus here was to work each part of the race and execute each racing part of the segment.
For example the streamline, the breakout, the fast feet to turn, breakout off the turn and the BIG finish.
Prep group 4 rounds, Gold group 3 rounds, Blue group 2 rounds.
  • 50 free (12.5 fast and the rest long and smooth.
  • 50 free (25 fast to feet and the rest long and smooth)
  • 50 free (37.5 fast and the rest long and smooth)


  1. Lay the cut pear on a plate
  2. Add a tiny bit of white frosting to the back of the candy google eyes using a toothpick to give your turkey some eyes
  3. Slice your baby carrot and cut a small triangle from one of the pieces to use as it's nose.
  4. Apply some frosting or peanut butter to the back to adhere it to the pear.
  5. Use another 2 slices of carrot for his legs.
  6. Finally cut a tiny longer triangle out of the salami/ham/pepperoni for his gizzard.
  7. Arrange his feathers by lining them around the pear.
  8. Feel free to play around with the peppers.
There is no wrong way, just like swimmers no two are alike.


What is the comfort zone in swimming?  Here are my thoughts and you may have different ones so grab a

pen and your journals and write them down to gain a b better understanding of your swimming.

First off swimming in your comfort zone comes down to feeling safe and above all it's easy and it's a way of avoiding risks.  Inside that comfort zone you fail to challenge yourselves.  You feel in control. We are afraid of hurting ourselves both physically and mentally and because of that we don't venture outside our safe zone.  What you fail to realize is that pain and hurt are two different things.  In swimming pain is a little discomfort which subsidizes after the race and hurt may require some medical attention.  Some signs that you are stuck in your comfort zone;
  • you feel every day is repetitive
  • you keep complaining 
  • you see rejecting new ideas
  • you keep missing that big swim


First off understand YOUR reasons for not going outside that zone.  I'll take a stab at that one, its the fear of what is lurking around outside of your safe zone.  It could be all kinds of monsters like pain, and failure.  Face those monsters and conquer them no matter how big they are.  Remember David and Goliath, it just takes one big race to conquer your monsters.
  1. Challenges that you direct are the best to overcome.  It's your show, you are the director and the actor.  There are few things more satisfying than directing a plan and than going out and fully and utterly conquering that plan. Win a Grammy.
  2. Face your fears in steps.  Your feeling a little anxious and fearful of what is lurking out there b ut at the same time you want some of what is lurking out there.  ?You can't have both.  Identify what has you staying in place and make a list of steps to get you unstuck.  They don't have to be huge but should be substantial enough to get you energized and moving in the right direction.
  3. It won't hurt as nearly as much as you think it will.  Most of you (99.9%) have never really hurt in a race.  Some think they have, but you haven't, be honest.  Have faith in the fact that you are far tougher both physically and mentally than you give yourself credit for.
  4. Stretch.  Just as you stretch your muscles, start stretching your comfort zone to encompass  more and more.  Don't shut the door on an opportunity because of fear.  Be willing to stretch yourselves to the point of discomfort, for there is awaiting that big swim you have been searching for.
Next time out push the boundaries some, you hjasve nothing to loser and everything to gain.

Friday, November 17, 2023


 “The only ones you have are the ones you place on yourself “. Not sure who said it but it seems to make sense.

Monday, November 13, 2023


" Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will." zig ziglar


This weekend we will be pulling out your favorite racing suit as we prepare to head into our first "racing meet " of the season to see where we are at.  It's time to put away all your fears and doubts and get excited to do some FAST SWIMMING.  


If you take nothing from this issue please take this.  Do Not Get Ahead OF Yourselves This Weekend and avoid the outside noise (distractions). Over the last weekend a lot of you have used words such as afraid, scared 😳 tired, hurt and the list goes on and I'm not sure what the problem is.  I've have even heard a comment about skipping a final, WHAT?.  As far as I know a swimmer does not make finals until you swim preliminaries and as we know there are no guarantees in this sport, so please remember "WIN", what's important now.  Stay focus on what you are trying to accomplish at the moment at hand and then we will move on together.

Remember to visualize your races and see yourself succeed.  Don’t just say it visually see yourself achieve the results that you are looking for.  Just saying it is lip service.


This is our first prelims and finals meet of the year for our 11 and overs.  11-12 year old will advance the top 8 swimmers to finals in the evening.  13 and over's will advance the top 16 swimmers to finals.  It is your responsibility to check to see if you are advancing.   No one is allowed to scratch without talking to a coach first.  For the Gold and Prep group there will be no scratching.  If you ask you better present a VERY GOOD argument.   If you fail to show up at finals you will be scratched from your next event.


FRIDAY  11 and overs 7-8:20  meet starts 8:30
distance follows the morning session
FINALS 5:00-5:50. MEET STARTS 6:00

11&12 10:30-11:20. MEET STARTS 11:30
10 AND UNDERS 2:15-2:55  MEET STARTS 3:00
FINALS  5:00-5:50. MEET STARTS 6:00

11&12 11:00-11:50. MEET STARTS 12:00
10 AND UNDERS 3:00-3:40  MEETT STARTS AT 4:00

Please be on time for warmup.  It's not fair to other swimmers when you hop into a lane when swimmers are already into their warmup.  It's very disruptive, annoying and rude.


When packing for a swim meet how much thought do you put into the fuel you need for your body, sure water is easy (right Claire) but what about a little substance to keep your energy levels up so that you can bring your A game to the blocks.

Bananas excellent way to restore energy.  Easy to pack.  Quick digesting carb. Swimmers best friend 

Granola. Has lots of carbs great and are swimmers primary source of energy.  

Cereal and Fruit bars. Simple and easy and you can eat small amounts and save the rest.

Prepared small vegetables 

Cut up apple pieces.  Easy simple.  Also contains water which aids in hydration.

Strawberries which can aid in hydration and reduce cramping due to the water content.  Very easy to digest.


4 rounds fins and paddles
25 Right hand lead @30
25 Left hand lead @30
25 line to line. Engage your hips and drive arm forward @30
50 fast free AOS @1:00

Saturday, November 4, 2023





How were your races from this past weekend.  Putting the times aside did you accomplish what set out to accomplish because long term you will have a better chance to reach your goal by understanding how to race.

WEEKLY NUTRITIONAL TIP - - -Hydration, how important is for you in everyday life and especially as it relates to your swimming.  From watching all of you there are still some of you who are not drinking enough or worse not even bringing water to practice.

Staying hydrated and drinking water throughout the day are important to your body’s overall development

and will help keep your energy levels high throughout the day including during swim practice.  So how much water should you as an athlete be drinking during the day.  There is a lot of research out there and many opinions, but what it comes down to is you as an individual and how much training you do in a workout.  A general rule is 8-10 glasses a day, more for you all as swimmers.   Another rule is not to wait until you feel thirsty and just as you need to breathe when swimming you also need to be sipping during your repeats at the walls.  If you need to stop, sit at the wall and skip repeats so that you can drink, you have waited too long.

Some benefits that you will realized when you stay hydrated are;
  • Less  headaches
  • Improved digestion 
  • Less tired during the day
  • More energy in the morning
  • Reduce amount of wrinkles
  • Less cramps and muscle tightness 
  • Better concentration
  • Less craving for junk food

When hydrating don’t make the mistake that juices, coffee, Gatorade is the same as water, and although they will help they are in no way a substitute for the real thing 💦.

LET’s take out your phones.  Yes you heard me correctly.  Have you ever listened to the song “the climb” by Miley Cyrus and  thought about how you can relate it to swimming.

I can almost see it.        

That dream I'm dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying 
You'll never reach it

Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking

But I, I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

I may not know it
But these are the moments, that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going

And, I gotta be strong
Just keep pushing on, cause

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose 
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb


Keep on moving, keep climbing
Keep the faith, baby
It's all about, it's all about the climb
Keep your faith, keep your faith

We are going to write your own song now by taking all of the highlighted words or phrases out of the song and filling in your own words to make it unique to each of you.  Think outside the box for this exercise.  Be creative. 

 That being said when writing your own version remember that the subtle meaning of the song is not to give up and that it is not just about the rewards in this sport, but the journey that you have been tasking in the sport since you first got your feet wet.  It's about all the things you have learned about yourself, the experiences you've had with people along the way, and all the valleys and peaks you've conquered to get you were you are today.

"Life's a climb but it's the views, the struggles, hardships, the hardships and being outside your

comfort zone during the climb that you will remember always and lead you eventually to success."


"THE FINISHING KICK" with fins (26 minutes 1000 yards)

4X25 @40 UWDK ( 15 m) easy feel it and connect to the dolphin feel
8x25@40. UWDK more effort here race partner to 15m easy swim to wall
4x25 @40 UWDK same as above
8x25 @35 UWDK at effort same as above
4x25 @40 UWDK easy same as above
8x25 @30 UWDK at effort same as above
4x25 @40 UWDK easy same as above

FINS OFF and go 200 back with # UWDOLPHINS off each wall

This Sunday all of you will get that hour of sleep back that you lost way back in March.  With technology most of you will have this done automatically for you, life is so simple for you all.  That is a clock on the left and for some us older ones we do still have them around and will have to do it manually.  Hint I actually do it a week before so I can get adjusted properly.

Don’t waste that extra hour by thinking you can stay up later, it will throw your body clock off.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023




You all have done so well up to this point in the season that we think you have earned a day off from swimming.   Enjoy the night and be safe.

A Halloween riddle to start off your day and get you in the mood.

I have hundreds of ears, but I can't hear a thing.

What am I? You will need to unscramble the letters to get your answer.


Thursday, October 26, 2023



“I’ve always been a firm believer in mind over matter.  If you don’t believe that you can achieve it, your body will start to believe this and your be stuck.” Sheryl 
Halloween is upon us and it appears that all the ghosts and goblins are preparing for their big night of fun, games and spooky adventures.  Here is a swimming meet haunt for you.

As Courtney stepped up onto the blocks she felt the grip of icy fingers on her arm and as she lurched in fright the lights went out and she was standing all alone.  The water in the pool turned black, but you could hear it sloshing from side to side violently.

As Courtney stepped down from the block to gather her thoughts, closer and closer the waves came, they we're getting bigger and bigger until they finally  spilled  over the sides.

Towards the deep end she began to hear the endless slapping of a hand on the water and then all of a sudden she heard a piercing scream but when she looked the pool was empty.  

Courtney couldn't help but feel that there was another set of eyes watching her as she walked across

the deck.  Cold and wet she tried to make her way back to the team area all  the time feeling as if someone was watching her from the deep end of the pool.  Peeking through her goggles, her curiosity turned to horror as a dark shadow appeared on the bottom of the pool.

She couldn't believe her eyes as she ran to tell her coach who was no where to find.  Courtney looked everywhere for the coaches but of course they were safe and sound in the hospitality room having a Halloween treat.

As the darkness faded and the lights came on the water calmed and everything seemed to return to order, or did it.  She returned to the  block of horror in preparation for her race.  At this point, did it matter the suit she was wearing, the goggles she was using or the cap on her head?  What she had eaten for breakfast or how much she had slept?

Everything Courtney brought to the pool that day, her suit, cap goggles, warm-up suit down to the shoes on her feet, her health and mood --it didn't matter she had to find the courage to dive in and swim towards the deep end of the pool.

The starter commanded the swimmers to "take your marks" and off she went the start of the race was smooth as she felt herself getting into race pace but then all of a sudden as she neared the deep

end the ambient light from above began to fade and the water began to cool and as she began to summon all of her courage to continue she felt that icy grip again around her ankles and as she kicked and thrashing around the grip released and she opened her eyes_ _ _ _ and thought I need more practice with this visualization thing, I'm scaring myself.


PROTEIN--Lean protein are very important to develop and repair muscle tissue.  Lean proteins also help to normalize hormone concentrations in your body which will allow you to control your mood as well as your temper.  Some the best lean proteins you can have are:
  • turkey breast
  • lean red meat
  • egg whites
  • most dairy products
  • chicken breast
  • nuts (all varieties)


  • 8 oz orange juice
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1/2 banana 
  • 2-3 frozen strawberries
  • 2 tsp. honey

Drink and enjoy.

Have you ever heard this saying, maybe read it somewhere?  Have you ever stopped ponder its meaning and how it might apply to your swimming.

The first value--STAY HUNGRY... It is very easy to stay motivated and work hard when things are going well because you feel inspired to do more of it.  However when things start going off the rails and you start spinning your wheels, that is when you find it tough to keep your head in the workout (as we discussed last week), you start letting being a little uncomfortable get in the way of the greatness that you seek.

These are the moments that will test your character to it's very core and this is also the moment where you can make valuable gains.  The bottom line is that YOU are not as good as you think you are on your best days, however YOU are not as bad as you think you are when things are going bad.

The second value---HUMILITY.... Humility doesn't come easy for everyone when they are winning and things are going well.  You are crushing your workouts, winning race after race, and posting personal bests.  This is the time that its easy to fall into the trap of thinking that "YOU" have this swimming thing all figured out, but the problem is that success is the worst teacher.  Why?  Because it can lull you into a sense of feeling like you can stop learning and that you have nothing that needs improvement.  

Funny thing is that this sport has a way of knocking everyone down a peg when it thinks we need it and in reality all swimmers are just trying to get faster.  It is also a reminder that even when things are going well, we always need to be looking for ways to grow and improving, always challenging ourselves.  Thats a big part of HUMILITY, understanding that there is always room for growth.

WEEKLY RECAP----  I will need to skip this weeks recap as I will be out of town to take care of some things.  I'm not sure I will make it back for the meet but we have trained you and you have worked very hard so all you need to do is know your events, stay focused, warmup and swim down properly, avoid the noise and just DO YOU.  Good swimmers need not be told "GOOD LUCK" and you all are good so just go out and RACE.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

 “If you fail to prepare, you’re prepared to fail.”


This past week we spent a lot of our pool time working on our IM's.  You all have done a great job at putting your IM' together especially with your transitions into each of the strokes.  Our underwater streamlines and kicks have been consistency been getting better.  We want you to understand and buy into the fact that this is important part of your race.  By improving your streamlines and underwater kicks, you will shorten your races and the amount of actual swimming that you are doing.  In the end you save energy and become more efficient, but don't forget WE DO NOT sacrifice SPEED FOR DISTANCE.  It becomes a juggling act trying to figure it out, that's why you need to focus while working on it.

Each of the groups (BLUE--GOLD--PREP) have got a set warmup for each day and it's the same every week and you may have been wondering why that is.  Good question and yes I have a reason for this.  First off they are all on a interval in the afternoons and the reason is that you are already stretched out and your ready to roll.  Each week the intervals are a little faster and the reason for that is simple.  I want you too mentally and physically want each of you to feel like you are getting stronger and faster.   These swims are longer and get some distance done before we go into our main theme for the day.

SENIOR PREP GROUP---Something that I notice last week was that some of you pull back when I challenge you and that is exactly when you need to get your head into the game and get after it.  So how do you approach that type of set;
  • first off reverse ANY negative thoughts.
  • then you can approach it with a purpose.
  • focus on the little things such as streamlines, turns, stroke.
  • feed on your teammates energy. Encourage each other.
  • blast your pump up music internally 
  • Visualize yourself getting through the set and how it will help come race day
Above all don't forget our theme for this year and that is "WIN" whats important know  Stay in the game and work each lap as it comes and give that lap your very best and then move on.  Sometimes we back away too quickly with all type of excuses and excuses are a internal thought in our brain that says it's alright to fail because.............. you can fill it in.


16x25 partner race from a dive climb up each end 8@30 8@40
8x50 IMO @50 fins smooth transitions and UWD
8x25 different partner race from a dive climb up each end 4@25 4@35
4x100 IM @2:00 fins smooth long working transitions 
4x25 partner race @30 climb out from a dive
1x200 IM fins smooth and long


MAKO PUMPKIN MEET---- this weekend October 28 and 29 at St. James.   Warm up times 11-13 Saturday 8:25-8:45. Sunday 8:00-8:20.  10 and under and 14 and over  Saturday and Sunday 10:50-11:10. 

Know the events that you are in.   Get some fuel (food) into your tanks before the meet and hydrate.  Have a plan for each of your events and if you have a time, have a plan to get there.


SWIM AND ROCK- NOVEMBER16-19. BLUE GROUP PARENTS. if your swimmer wants to do this meet you need to contact me for approval.

NUTRITIONAL TIP---Should swimmers drink chocolate milk?

"Despite the fact that some criticize chocolate milk for being too sugary, too processed, and containing too much fat rather than protein, there is still no research that demonstrates that chocolate milk is harmful to an athlete's performance.  If anything, there are more studies and research that conclude that this tastes beverage is indeed a beneficial recovery aid for athletes."  

Chocolate milk acts as both a performance enhancer, and a recovery aid.  It has an ideal ratio of carbs to protein, which helps deliver protein to damaged muscle tissue.

The power of Visualization.  Too often athletes have no plan of action and simply learn from trail and error in order to reach their goals, but by visualizing and developing simulated mental scenarios this will change how you prepare an ultimately help you to reach those goals.

Through visualizing you will better be able to control your muscle tension and be able to relax and save the real effort for that big moment.  You will be able to control your breathing, heart rate, emotions, and nerves leading up to that big race and also after the race.  You will develop a positive approach towards fear and nerves and be able to overcome both when you feel overwhelmed.  

Simply put YOU become more efficient with your energy use.  YOU reduce distractions. YOU become more confident.  Find a quite space and take it for a spin.

HAVE A GOOD WEEK AT SCHOOL, WITH WORKOUTS and as always thank your parents and help out around the house.


 Have you ever thought that the water is too cold to train or race in.  Do you know why it always feel cold or a little uncomfortable at fir...