Friday, August 26, 2022



Hope the first week of school went really well for all of you.  Hope you have some awesome 😎 classes and teachers that will challenge you during the school year.

Now with a little down time over the next couple of days it may be a good time to dust off your equipment bag and head out for a tune up swim to lessen that feeling of swimming like a out of shape whale in about 12 days.

You certainly would like to avoid that feeling, I would think.  Remember how we talked last time about the importance of our kicking early in. the season, here is a set to try out over the weekend if your up for a challenge.

This whole set should take 55 minutes or less. So here we go.

WARM UP see if you can go for a 5 minute swim mixer 
MONSTER KICK SET. (I am just going to throw out 2 intervals for the 100's and you can adjust so you get about 20-30 seconds rest in between.

4x100 kick @2:20/2:30 last 25 all out
4x25 kick on back all out @45 keep the hips up
REST 1:00

3x100 kick @2:20/2:30  negative split 2nd 50 faster than first
4x25 kick on back all out @40
REST 1:00

4x25 kick all out @35
REST 1:00

1x100 kick all out @2:20/2:30
4x25 kick all out @30

WARM DOWN 200 swim IM/free nice long and controlled stroke NO SPEED HERE!

As you go through this kick set here are three things that will help you develop that killer kick;
  1. Start the kick from your core and hips.  (notice how that word core popped up).
  2. Kick narrowly with a very slight knee bend.
  3. Kick near the surface and keep those ankles relaxed.  (this will help reduce resistance and will give you great body position and alignment.
So dust off this swim and equipment bags, follow that scent of chlorine and jump in and get wet.  You need a pool grab a friend come visit, we can have ice cream afterwards.

Have fun with it!

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