Tuesday, June 8, 2021



Another long course meet in our rear view mirror and it was great seeing all of you after a week.  I really didn't realize how much I missed you all after a week.  With that said onto the meet itself.

It was great seeing a lot of you attempt new events especially those of you who swam the 400 free and 400 IM and yes even you Erin with all your negotiations after warm ups. 

Another meet and sometimes the same old story.  Sometimes as athletes I think we are afraid to let the sun shine in even when things seem to be gloomy.  We just came off your first long course meet in two years in mid May where we saw tremendous time drops across the board, and yes it would have been great to see big time drops again but you do have this days when nothing goes right.  Have you ever heard of "Murphy's Law" which states, "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong".  

Going into some of these meets it is important to have a plan and swimming a best time is not the only plan you should have in your tool box.  This plan starts with the meet and your reasons for swimming in it,  and from there its's about your reasons for picking the events to swim.  With this plan in place we can avoid a lot of this that Aimee and I heard, "I don't want to swim that event".  Well why did we sign up for it?  

Next part of the plan is to ask yourself this. What am I trying to get out of this race other than a best time? Maybe you've been working on your pacing or underwater's and if so this is the time to take it out for a spin and see what happens.  Maybe you've working on taking the longer races out faster, here is your opportunity to give it a whirl. Most of the time you hesitate to go outside your comfort zone because your afraid 😱 of what awaits on the other side.

You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can look for the sun 🌞 through all the gloom and start where you are and change the ending.

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