Saturday, May 29, 2021



No matter who you are, what you do, or how good we are which includes you the swimmer we all have to wake up in. the morning and face the new day.  If your lucky enough as a swimmer you may also have the opportunity to witness one or two incredible 🌅 sunrises in your journey.  

It doesn't matter if you happen to be a night owl because eventually the sun will still rise and you get to begin a new day with endless opportunities.  You must decide how to take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves to you.

The morning sunrise brings with it new beginnings where you can put to bed that bad race or meet that you have just come off of, or maybe yesterday's workout left a little to be desired.  What ever the issue's were the morning brings with it the endless possibilities and the chance to do a little better.  

Maybe your the swimmer who has never experienced a bad day (lucky for you) and what I will say to you is this, Why should you expect today to be any different?

Have a good Memorial Day weekend.  Remember our Veterans Past and Present.

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