Tuesday, September 1, 2020



As we embark upon our new journey into the 20-21 season things will seem different and even maybe a little strange, but the constant will be the smell of chlorine, goggle marks around the eyes and the joy of being immersed in your old friend “WATER”. 

You will once again experience the friendship and laughter that goes into working hard 😓  and all the wonderful pain and joy each of you will experience along the way.  As you prepare for this new season I want you to understand why you do it, Is it for the glory?  The awards?  The exercise?  The friends?  The challenge of seeing how far you can reach.   No matter what your individual reasons are they are all important as we enter this journey together as a group.  

As we start out. I also want you to ask yourself this one basic question, Am I just going to swim with the same bad habits or will I take responsibility and try to correct them.  A mistake is only a MISTAKE if you keep repeating it over and over!

This is the challenge I lay at each of your feet, Stop being a follower! Become a leader!

Unfortunately I will miss the first few practices and will have other coaches working with you.  I have to get things wrapped up from the summer until the 13th.  They will just be getting you into following a routine and do some basic swimming until we are ready to roll

Here is a video of Erin playing with her cap to get you started.

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