Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Do you go into a meet or more specifically your races with a checklist, or do you just wing it and hope for the best results, and if good your confidence is high.  The only problem is that sometimes the results don’t meet your expectations.  Now what?  Do you fall apart and let it create negative feelings about yourself as a swimmer 🏊.

In the book “The Swimmers Mind” it talks about having a checklist ✅ with five performance priorities.  They are “Process, Presence, Enjoyment, Standards, and Control.”  Let’s look at these further. 

 We have always talked about how it is important to trust your training and the process that has gotten you to that exact moment you step onto the block. We don’t focus on the outcome of the race, or that Jo or NASA cut.  Now I’m not saying that those things aren’t important to you, but when your whole mindset is on those things you forget to race and perform the specific things during your race that you have been working on.  The Process!

The next ✅ mark is your presence of mind. We have actually talked about that during practice the last couple of weeks.  Without getting half way through practice I hear things like Are we going outside for dry land or can we do this or that, and this is in the middle of a set when your focus should be the set and what we are trying to accomplish.  Coaches can often predict a swimmers success or lack of just by observing your mental presence at the pool. As we have said before, just by showing up does not mean that you are practicing.  The same goes for when you step up on those blocks at a meet.  The race that is right in front of you should be the only thing on your mind, and as you stand behind the block you should be able to mentally see yourself starting and swimming that race.  That’s it nothing else matters, stay in the Presence at all times.

Enjoyment is the next ✅ mark you need to make.  Don’t forget that first time you jumped into the pool for your first race.  My guess is that you probably were not even aware of your time.  You were however aware of the challenge and the fun you had getting to the other end, through your little eyes it probably looked like a football field.  But you made it and you wanted to do it again.  Your older now and the races come with different challenges and pain, but that is what makes it so fun for you, and you can’t wait 😊 for that next race.  Look at all your events through the eyes of that little one not so long ago where the only thing that mattered was making it to the other end as fast as you could and maybe just maybe you beat some people along the way.

The next item on your checklist are the Standards that you set for yourself.  I know that as your coach I have set standards for each group and I will hold myself and you to those.  I expect the same from each of you.  When you step up on that block you should not only expect your best, but you should demand nothing less than your best.  If you are looking for that positive mindset you need to start taking pride in everything you do. Set your standards high.

The last item to check off is Control.  We have talked about the way you carry yourself on and off the deck.  At practice you arrive early and instead of just throwing yourself on the ground with your phones 📲, just maybe you do some light stretching to prepare your body for what you are about to ask it to do.  Take ownership of your swimming, don’t let others determine your fate.   This also goes for the way you approach the meets.  Walk onto that pool deck with a positive mindset, stand upright with shoulders back and go about your business and don’t let others get in the way.  I remember last year at the winter classic when during the warmup a swimmer hoped into our lane to finish warmup.  A few of you became annoyed that she just kept going.  She was in your head and through you off your game.  You know what needs to be done during warmups and warm down and you should not let outside influences get in the way.  Don’t let these outside experiences trigger negative emotions to throw you off your game.   

Stay in that positive mindset.  This is not magic it’s something that has to be practiced daily.  It takes hard work just like your swimming.  Start practicing this today and you will not only become a better swimmer, but a better person.


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