Tuesday, October 16, 2018


I got to thinking after this weekends meet after hearing all the feedback given to swimmers after their races and started wondering how many of those swimmers go back to their training sessions and try to focus on that feedback.  A lot of the feed back I hear is on breakouts,breathing,turns, underwater dolphins, finishes, and being more aggressive.  With that said I would guess that coaches wonder if the athletes listened and truly heard what we were saying, because I venture to say the same mistakes are being made at the next practice.

We all know what we should do as athletes to become better swimmers, but most of the time those only happen when it is convenient, when it’s comfortable or when it is going your way.  I would like to challenge all of the blue, gold and senior prep groups to turn those things we should do, into things that we MUST do and raise our standard as swimmers.

When you go back to the pool raise your standards at every turn.  Yes you should have fast turns and long fast underwater’s but until you go from the should to the must your standards remain the same, the needle does not move.
If you want to move that needle change your standards.  If you do 5x200 backstroke as we did last week and all your walls are short weak with little or no dolphins, that is who you become in your races, (YOUR STANDARD).  When you go up against faster swimmers you raise your standards or else they own you.

If you want to raise your standards you need and MUST USE THOSE TOOLS all the time not just when it is convenient or fits into your schedule.


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