I finally came to the conclusion that this was going to be a problem. I could let this problem get to me and stress me out, or I could work the problem. After getting permission from the moms I told the three to go get the kickboards in the corner and we were going to play a game.
Excited they retrieved the boards and I spent 10 minutes showing them different things they could do with them. At the end I told them that now we are going to race and that the winner gets to sit out while the others had to race. After the first race one down, two left. After two races two gone one left. Now the last one had to race me and of course I lost so the three of them were out of the pool.
At first they thought they were getting back in, but I explained to them that they always wanted to wait for 10 minutes before they were ready to race again. The mothers gave them a snack I got another 700 yards in during intermission. PROBLEM SOLVED
How do you look at an unexpected problem during your day?
Going through IMX Thoughts now more later. Mike