Sunday, January 25, 2015


I would like to take a moment and thank all the parents for allowing me to work with your children this season.   I am aware that this is a critical time of our season that is approaching, but I wanted to let you know that I will be leaving this Saturday January 31 and will return on February 17.  For years I have tried to plan a trip with a parent of  one of my Lee Graham  family.   His trips have always taken place in September or March and these times have never worked out with the start of the season in the fall or with championships in March   This year he got a tour at the start of February and the swim team at Lee Graham has decided to send me.

The senior prep group will be coached by Matt Salerno who coached for Makos for four years and who I helped during his four years at Fairfax High School.  The gold group will also have Matt on Monday and Courtney on Wednesday and Friday .  The blue group will have Shannon and Kristi.  All the coaches will have my plan book while I am gone and although I have planned a practice for the groups they understand that they may change it.

There are certain things that we do on Thursday and Friday but for those two weeks we will adapt the practices a little because of the two meets and to give the kids that little extra advantage to make some championship cuts.   As a parent you need to understand for the older ones that we can not rest a lot because we are still four weeks out from championship season and if we rest too much now it puts US at a big disadvantage.  All the coaches covering the workouts are aware of the time of year and how things get a little crazy.  My advice to you and your swimmers Take a deep breath and count to 10, and relax.

Thank you again and I will post more for your swimmers this week, and should be able to do a couple while I am gone.

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