Thursday, December 4, 2014



We have spent a lot of time the past few weeks talking about fixing the little things at practice.  We have talked about taking the advice (constructive criticism) that is given to you after a race back to the pool and working on correcting it.

These little things could  include any of the following; having a breathing pattern, not  breathing last 5 yards into turns or  first stroke coming out of your turns, aggressive swimming in and out of turns, and finishing strong into walls.  Looking over my notes from  the swim and rock meet there are some other things that need our attention such as; aggressive breakouts and pull outs, having some good FAST distance under water off the walls especially the first one.  When breathing in breast and fly events we need to think forward movement instead of up and down.  The last note that we can all work on is tighter streamlines.

Setting up your practice is always a challenge as I try to balance aerobic work with anerobic work, drills verus just swimming, sprint verus pace work, individual verus group needs, and i want to take this time to thank you for your effort on most days.  I would like to say that for those of you who get in late (easy to make excuses) even by a minute or two, think of this is it really important to you, because that minute or two is lost forever which is a long time.

When we do our sets in practice I try and insert at least one or 2 things for you to really zero in on as you work through the set.  'Any time you fail to correct a mistake, you are destined to make another mistake.'  These little things make us go slower and  not faster, so why would you keep doing things that make you go slower and not faster ?  i put this question and challenge to each of you, If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to to it over?


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