Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Swim Fast

WEDNESDAY  OCTOBER 30 HALLOWEEN  PRACTICE:  Senior Prep, Junior Gold, Junior Blue groups will all have practice from 5:30 to 6:30 pm.   Junior Gold swimmers remember there is no practice on Friday due to a college meet, so let's plan. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY:  November 1st and November 2nd there will be no practice due to a college meet. OCCS/ MAKO MEET:  Saturday November 2nd and Sunday November 3rd. SATURDAY WARM-UP  11 AND OVER 7:00AM // 10 AND UNDER   12:00PM DON'T FORGET TO MOVE YOUR CLOCKS BACK FOR SUNDAY  OR YOU WILL BE AN HOUR EARLY! SUNDAY: ALL AGES: 7:00 AM  ALL EVENTS WILL BE POSITIVE CHECK IN MARLIN/ MAKO MEET WRAP UP: This past weekend our groups swam a little distance meet with 200 backstroke, 1000 free, and 500 free. Swimming their first 200 backstroke were Jacob R., Ryan M., and William H.  All three had some good turns and what we were really happy to see was the longer underwater swimming off the turns.  Some other good swims were turned in by Alex A., Lauren Y., Julia Y., Faith A., Gillian G., and Alexa C.  What we would like to see in this event is a little more aggressiveness in that 3rd 50, that last one should take care of itself with a little heart. Swimming their first 1000 free were Sophia R., Katie P., Philip B..  All three of these swimmers swam well, with some of them understanding that they need to trust themselves and go out a little stronger.   Also swimming a 1000 was Gabby K. who is working very hard to get back to that swimming shape The 500 free also had some Mako first timers swimming.  The following swimmers turned in a great effort in their first 500 free Katherine H., Justin S., Rylie K., Ella D., William H., Ryan M., Kenta D., Pierce B., and Anthony G.  It was funny talking to each of theme after their races, it ranged from Katherine who really enjoyed the event, to Anthony who's response was "I like sprinting".  Well Anthony just sprint the 500. Ha!  Also swimming the 500 were Conrad P., Hope A., (improving her time by 20 seconds) and Jackson K., who improved his time by 22 seconds. This was an excellent meet for getting some times in these events.  At this time We are planning another one on November 16  when we are planning to offer the 200 fly and the 400 Im.  Decide now to go outside your comfort zone and swim these 2 events. TOPIC FOR THE WEEK:  "TAKING CARE OF YOUR HOUSE" If you took the time to think about it, we are for the most part very comfortable in our own houses, room or whatever other term you choose to use.  It takes a lot of extra energy to also take care of a neighbors house also.  In swimming terms one must "own their race" and control their own house if they want to be in a position to succeed.  The conditions that you race in are not always perfect, but for the most part they are acceptable.  If your looking for perfect you may not find them and you take the chance of getting rattled if things don't go right.  When racing focus on beating swimmers immediately to your right and left, they are the ones who may come in to your house and take your dog.   Once that is done than focus on the rest of the neighborhood, and try to own it, but take care of your house first. If something does happen don't take it personally, I know it's hard but try.  There will be times that your hard work will simply not pay off.  Something beyond our control will knock us off our pedestal and we will start to tumble away from reaching our goals. How far you tumble is up to you, all it means is that success will have to wait another turn.  Mistakes can distract and defeat you if YOU let them, or they can be the springboard to taking to the next level.  Failure should motivate YOU!  Experience the failure, absorb it, take it in and remind yourself how it feels, and now go back to practice with this thought, "I WILL PRACTICE BETTER AND FIX MY BAD HABITS BECAUSE I DO NOT WANT TO FEEL LIKE THAT AGAIN!"  It's your house not the coaches, OWN IT!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!  BE SAFE!!  SEE YOU THIS WEEKEND IF YOU MISS PRACTICE ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, DO SOME STRETCHING AND GO FOR A BRISK WALK ON FRIDAY,  PLEASE DO NOT GET LAZY AND JUST SIT AROUND EATING CANDY. "JUNK IN THE BODY=JUNK OUT THE BODY MIKE

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