Tuesday, January 14, 2025



WEEKLY QUOTE.   Excuses make today easy, but tomorrow hard.  Discipline makes today hard, but tomorrow easy.”

Once you, the swimmer have signed up for a meet the hardest thing now is to hold yourself accountable.  Where am I going with this?  You’ve signed up for an event and as that event gets near you start playing that mental game in your head.  It’s that voice in your head that starts talking to you and fills your head with self doubts and worries as to what may go wrong.  Bottom line it tries to steer us from anything that is difficult and to stay in our safe zone (comfort zone) where it’s cozy. 

Whatever your dreams, goals or aspirations may be will not be found in your safe zone.  You need to open the door and go into territory that you have never been to, as that is where your aspirations will be found.  On the other side of your doubts and fears.

Once you have signed up that is whereby your mental side needs to shift, your whole attitude and outlook needs to shift.  Find a way to own your events.

SNOWMAN CHALLENGE. During the snow storm last week we asked the JUNIOR GOLD kids after practice to go home and build a snow man and send us their pics.  The first one was brought to life by Evan M.and it certainly looks like he is ready for a 25 free.  Why 25 ? And why Free.  Simple really after a 25 I believe he will be absorbed into the pool water and as for free well just look at those arms.

The second snow woman was brought to life through the efforts of Molly D. and brother Keegan. I’m sure that being breaststrokes they truly believe that swimmer can surly make at least a 25 but I have my doubts because he will have trouble getting to that flat streamline position out front.

Nice job people and thanks for sharing.


We have had the swimmers ask about both the Mako Qualifier meet and the presidents meet.
 MY Suggestion for swimmers who are trying to achieve qualifying times for championship meets is this, look at the events that you have a realistic chance of qualifying for.  Try and pair that list down to 2 events a day and put all your effort and energy into those events.  Do not swim events that you have no chance in and at the same time do not swim events that you have already qualified for.

This meet is a prelims and final meet. Traditionally we have used this meet as a back up for any events that you are trying to qualify for during championship season.  That being said if you want to swim in this meet, “ go for it”. That being said you should not be swimming any events that you have already qualified for.  If you get a qualifying time during prelims we would like you to scratch out of finals in the evening.


4x75 broken (25 fly @40 /50 back @1:00
1x50 free smooth @1:15. Breathing pattern every 3 or 2-3-2

Fins on now
4x125 broken (50 fly @50 /75 back @1:30
1x50 free smooth
All fly is to be done keeping chin on water when breathing. Get into our breathing pattern.  All back is building to a fast tempo.  As always work your walls strong and long.
Fins off
4x25 back swim down 1st all out 2nd 80%. Third 60%. Last one double arm with breast kick glide

Monday, January 6, 2025


 Good or Bad?  I’m sure some if not all of you were glad to get this extra day of winter break from school

and swimming as you rose from bed this morning.  Myself not so much as I had my PT canceled this morning and to make matters worse my gym was closed which included the pool.  However I did something different and went to LG and did the routines under the patio with a fire roaring in the snow.  Then it was out to help a buddy with some plowing.

One of the hardest things to do is to settle back into a “normal routine” after a long break and this is all to true for a student athlete.  This is a great time to look back at your goals both at school and in the pool, a time to reflect on those goals maybe even tweaking them if you need to and get ready to charge into the next few months with a renewed focus.  Don’t forget we believe you are on the verge of something great.  All you need is direction and the confidence and you all have both so stay focused.

When we talk about staying focused we are referring to the process the day to day things that you are doing for those meets in March and April.  Staying focused now on the day to day things your doing in and out of the pool go a long way to determining the outcome of your races in the spring. 

To be focused means having QUALITY WORKOUTS.  Here is a thought for you to digest, “the most talented swimmer doesn’t win the race, the most prepared swimmer wins the race.”  Remember what you do today, MATTERS.  It’s really that simple  people.

Enjoy your snow day! 



This past weekend we had a swimmer from our group swim the 1650 and going into it we talked about a strategy on how to work through the race.  

Why am I mentioning this and what does it have to do with the group ?

Hannah Carroll was given 3 strategies to focus on during this race, one divide the race up into 4 races, three 550’s and the final 150 jam session where she would be super aggressive.  The second detail was to set up a breathing pattern and the last detail was to have strong turns.  Now I’ll be honest and say I was not sure that she would be able to focus on all the pieces of this puzzle.  I was pleasantly surprised at how well she handled this race and hold her focus throughout especially since she “hated” it.  The important however was that she challenged herself and this in itself will raise her confidence level an improve her other events.  

As a group we have talked about how important the mental side of this sport is and how it goes hand and hand with the training that you do in the pool.  We have talked and worked on how to swim fast during a race while at the same time keeping an eye on every detail throughout the lace.  The longer the race the more details that arise such as streamlines, turns, breathing patterns, and race strategies.  Paying attention to the details in practice no matter how small you think they are will allow you to be at your best during your race.

The one question that you may be asking is this; If I do all this will it result in a personal best?  Simple answer is NO.  Your an athlete, a swimmer and personal best will not always be the result but by becoming good with all the little things puts you in a position to be your best when it matters, without it you’re reaching for air.  Let me know when you catch air. 

Thursday, January 2, 2025



Toady we went through our traditional first practice for 2025 with the Junior Gold swimmers.

Here is a look at what we did.  This was meant more as a mental challenge more than anything else.

We started with our 20x25 @35 (odds were free 3 breaths and evens were backstroke kick)

We were than ready to turn our attention to the 25 100’s done in 5 sets of 5 with a 100 kick on our backs smooth where we got some good air while filling our lungs.

  • 5@1:45+100 back kick
  • 5@1:40+100 back kick
  • 5@1:35+100 back kick
  • 5@1:25+ 100 kick on back and then fins on
  • 5@1:20+100 kick on back

FINISHING WITH THIS ALL RACE FAST (setting up our first 25 for your 50 free)

1x125 free from dive to fast flip+25 smooth back in other lane

1x25 free from dive with 2 breaths to fast flip+25 smooth back in other lane

1x25 fly from dive

Great job today with this.  Way to stay focused as we worked through it

Wednesday, January 1, 2025



Today marks the first day of 2025.  New doors will open throughout the year in your life and for our purposes the same will happen in your swimming.  

When that door opens the only question YOU have to answer is this- - - Do I have the courage and the confidence to open that door and charge through it.

We believe you do and we would like you to take a chance and go for it during your first race of 2025.

Happy new year to Junior Gold and Junior Blue group swimmers. May the new year bring powerful strokes, personal bests and the thrill of racing.  May each of you gain the courage and confidence to keep pushing the limits and embracing every challenge that comes knocking on your door. Remember this is your story, you are the author, editor and publisher.  The way the story ends is in your hands.  

Make a big splash in 2025and keep pushing yourself.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024


 December 31 not only brings the last day of 2024 but also the Junior Gold and Junior Blue last day of training for the year. 

You all were awesome this morning as you worked through your last training session of the year.  The little whining and push back came to an end after Coach Noah took a few minutes to talk about the mental side of your swimming (sorry parents that’s why we went over 10 minutes. After all the ball can’t stop at 2.)and as he pointed out a lot of your races especially the last one of a long meet feels the same.  

The one thing we are trying to get through to you is that this group is on the verge of something GREAT and the only thing in the way is yourself and that person who lives in your head rent free.  When he talks to you in a positive way listen.  When he starts down that negative road, STOP THE NOISE.

 All that person is doing is giving you a reason to fail, an easy out if you may.  It may feel good at the time but later you’re going to be upset for the simple reason, YOU know your BETTER THAN THAT

Now I’m going to throw Coach Noah a bone here as we all know he is a true

Commanders fan, but this will be hard as I’m a Cowboy fan.  Though I do not watch them I’m aware how they have been behind in the last minute or so and in years past they would have lost those games.  The reason for the collapse could be anything such as not thinking they could win which leads to the next which is lack of confidence or it could have simply been they didn’t care which is the worse for any athlete even swimmers.

Oh, but how a year changes things where with a change in attitude where now with every game the confidence is growing and now they believe they can win.  Bottom line is a little attitude and confidence goes a long way and just maybe to that GREAT RACE you’re looking for.

As we swim into our first workout on Thursday, come in with that confidence and knowing that we are close to GREATNESS.



Monday, December 30, 2024



At this time of year it is not uncommon to sit back and reflect on the past year, and remember all the highs and lows that have happened.  Swimmers are no different they have dreams and goals and with them comes all of those high and lows, the great days of training and competition and also the not so great days.

The days when you question yourself and might even ask, WHY?

We are not going down that usual New Year’s resolution path in this blog today.  However, there is one thing I am going to ask you to do in 2025 and that is to always CHALLENGE YOURSELF.  Join us as we look forward with renewed enthusiasm and vigor.  You spend a fair amount of time in your pursuit of excellence in the pool and along the way make a lot of sacrifices, an we as your coaches spend a lot of time plotting out a course of action. There is a process to this.  There’s the plan and the writing of the workouts, reviewing them and rewriting them to fit our needs while all the time pondering the possibilities. 


Just like you there are those times where we question ourselves, we may ask ourselves, “WHAT IF.”  We are always thinking of ways on how the structure can be improved, how we can help you both physically and mentally while you pursue excellence.  What is constant is that we keep showing because we know as do you that consistently showing up and doing the little things consistently right will increase our odds at being successful and landing where we dream of in 2025.

Those little things are being on time, listening, working through a set with the focus and determination of doing it right. Those little things that you do in practice will have “RIPPLE EFFECTS” in your races.  The question you have to ask yourself is this,  Will those ripples be good or bad?  You need to answer that question heading into 2025.

I encourage you to look at the past and learn, the present and where you are today and then to the future with equal enthusiasm as you ponder the possibilities of 2025.



  WEEKLY QUOTE.   “   Excuses make today easy, but tomorrow hard.  Discipline makes today hard, but tomorrow easy.” Once you, the swimmer ha...