Friday, March 20, 2020


Who is the Asgardian god of thunder?  Of course if your a Marvel comic reader or a fan of the. Super hero Thor possesses the enchanted enchanted hammer🔨 which grants him the ability to fly and manipulate the weather among other things.

Today let’s change it up a little and focus a little more on ourmid section or the core.  You may ask why core stability is vital for a swimmer.  A little anatomy lesson here, a strong core is important for any swimmer looking to increase speed and improve technique.  When you develop a strong core you will minimize drag resistance through the water, and plays a important part in keeping the body in a stable streamline position.

Think of the core as the center of your body where you derive all of you’re explosive power from.  A stronger core will also keep you from developing back problems.

So here we go
Equipment needed chair or bench for dips sturdy box or bench or step for step ups 

1) WARM UP- Jumping jacks 1minute x3 

2) BACK-  10  Good Morning (keep your body in a straight line and exhale as you lift up) 

3) CORE-  Plank  3 rounds hold  for 20 seconds/25 seconds/30 seconds (don’t let hips sag and don’t raise too high looking for straight line) 

4) CARDIO- Step ups 15 reps starting with left foot 15 reps starting with right foot (keep head up, shoulders back, and chest up) 

5) CORE- Leg Pull In 3 rounds 15/12/10 (when you pull knees in to chest hold for a second and exhale) 

6) UPPER BODY-   10 Tricep Dip.  ( exhale as you push up) 

7) CORE-  Russian Twist. 15 each side (exhale as you twist

Have some water, rest for 5 minutes and repeat and as always do all movements in a slow controlled movement.

Have fun with it as we all keep moving forward. 

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